The growth of cities is harmful to the environment эссе



Essay Sample 15/7

Вербицкая М.В.

Вербицкая М.В.

Comment on the following statement:

    The growth of cities is harmful for the environment.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—    make an introduction (state the problem)
—    express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
—    express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
—    make a conclusion restating your position

pir 1

linking words 1

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Some people say that the growth of cities is always harmful for the environment, whereas others believe that there are new ecological projects for cities that are not harmful at all.

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In my opinion the growth of cities is not always harmful for nature. First of all,  newer technologies allow people to build cities without polluting the environment. For example, there are a lot of eco-projects that make the environment even better. Secondly, nowadays cars, the most harmful elements of a city, have become much less polluting. For instance, there are many hybrids – gasoline cars that work partly on solar energy or electricity. Eco-friendly towns are developing more and more. Moreover, people have also begun to better care about nature.

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At the same time there are people who think the continuing growth of is harmful. They see that the water is polluted in many cities. Cities produce a lot of waste products. In some countries people cannot drink tap water anymore. The air in big cities is very polluted as well. A lot of forests are being cut to let big cities grow.

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I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above for a particular reason. The situation is changing now and it is getting better and better. People have realized its harmfulness a long time ago and have been working hard to make our existence on earth as harmless as it possible.

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In conclusion, I would like to say that the ecological planning of cities has come a long way. It started moving in a different direction, namely it has become more eco-friendly. I strongly believe that eventually we will learn to build big cities that are completely harmless to the environment.

Read by Neil Geitz

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The growth of cities is harmful for the environment.

Nowadays, the problem of impact of growth of cities on environment causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that the emergence of new cities is disastrous for the environment, while others have an opposite point of view. I woud like to express my personal opinion on this issue.

It seems to me that the increase of cities has a horrible influence on ecology. To begin with, people destroy a lot of forests for building new cities. What is more, there are a plenty of vehicles in cities. Carbon dioxide, which is given off by cars, buses and motorcycles, pollute the atmosphere. Additionally, people establish a lot of factories for producing materials, which are used for building new cities. These factories pollute the environment.

However, there exists another opinion on the problem. Some people think that if we create a lot of new cities, it will not be

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Во-первых, необходимо свободно оперировать значительным объемом общеязыкового и тематического словаря.

В-третьих, нужно быть хорошо знакомым со структурой эссе, важнейшей составной частью которой является выстраивание аргументации, смотрите в нашей статье про аргументацию и уметь изложить свою точку зрения на проблемные вопросы в рамках тематики заданной на экзамене. Предварительно, до экзамена необходимо ознакомиться с кругом тем, которые так или иначе могут встретиться на экзамене, возможно в перефразированном виде, однако очень похожи.

В-четвертых, необходимо знание языкового оформления структуры эссе – фраз, вводящих логические части эссе, союзов, выражающих различные логические и смысловые отношения между мыслями. Помните, что очень важно уметь грамотно оформить свои мысли с точки зрения грамматики, правописания и пунктуации.

Список тем эссе для подготовки к ЕГЭ по-английскому

Список тем составлен на основе учебников для подготовки к ЕГЭ и на личном опыте 🙂

  1. Smoking should be prohibited.
  2. Travelling abroad helps to understand your own country.
  3. The growth of cities is harmful to the environment.
  4. Technical progress is harmful for the humanity.
  5. The most important thing in life is health.
  6. The most important thing in life is love.
  7. Social media interaction is important for modern teenagers.
  8. The most important thing in life is family.
  9. The most important thing in life is work.
  10. School classmates make the best friends.
  11. It’s easier to make friends that to keep them.
  12. The circus is the best entertainment for children.
  13. Childhood is the safest period of human life.
  14. High school students should only study the subjects they choose.
  15. Some people think that Russian is easier to learn than English.
  16. It’s better to read a book rather than watch its screen version.
  17. Following the fashion trends is waste of time and money.
  18. Music is something that distracts people from their daily routine.
  19. In the digital age museums are still important.
  20. A teacher should always be strict.
  21. Organized travel is not as interesting as independent travel.
  22. Playing sports helps to reduce stress.
  23. Having a computer at home will help children to get a better education.
  24. Cars should be banned from the city centers.
  25. Cars are important modern type of transport.
  26. To be rich means to be successful.
  27. Future will bring only positive impact on the world.
  28. Appearance is the most important thing for a modern teenager.
  29. All school subjects should be equally important for a pupil.
  30. Genetically modified products are not harmful for the health of people.
  31. Cities provide people with more advantages than villages.
  32. Graffiti should be considered as an act of vandalism.
  33. Taking a gap year after school is necessary step for every teenager.
  34. Choosing future profession is a difficult task for every school-leaver.
  35. Diets are important to stay fit and healthy.
  36. Healthy eating is an important part of everyday life.
  37. Having only one language of communication on our planet is a wise decision.
  38. Zoos should be prohibited.
  39. Zoos help most animals to survive.
  40. Studying a foreign language abroad is important for everyone.
  41. Knowing one foreign language isn’t enough.
  42. The Internet is the most useful invention in the world.
  43. Human cloning experiments should be prohibited.
  44. The Internet will be the main source of studying in the future.
  45. Computer games are one of the best ways to spend free time.
  46. Space exploration is very important for the future of our planet.
  47. Space travelling should be available for everyone in the future.
  48. Mobile phones are one of the most convenient ways of communication.
  49. Modern teenagers are criticized for no reason.
  50. Young generation lives better that people lived in the past.
  51. Soap operas are not interesting and take too much time.
  52. Violence on TV should be prohibited.
  53. To be rich means to be happy.
  54. Distant learning will become the only type of education in the future.
  55. Online education is very important nowadays.
  56. Home schooling is very convenient way of studying.
  57. Government should be responsible for people’s health.
  58. Holidays are important for every culture.
  59. Modern life is impossible without travelling.
  60. Travelling broadens one’s outlook.
  61. One should choose a future profession according to personal interests and talents.
  62. Parents should allow teenagers to work part-time.
  63. Work from home is better that the work in an office.
  64. Reality show is one of the best TV shows.
  65. Digital literacy is an important part of modern life.

задания 40 отсчитывается 250 слов, и оценивается только эта часть работы.

При определении объема работы этим требованиям считаются все слова, с первого слова по последнее, включая вспомогательные глаголы, предлоги, артикли и частицы. При этом следует знать, что сокращенные формы didn’t, doesn’t, I’m и прочие будут считаться одним словом. Также, все числительные, выраженные цифрами считаются одним словом. А числительные выраженные словами считаются как слова. Все сложные слова, такие как good-looking, English-speaking, twenty-five считаются как слова. Различные сокращения и аббревиатуры USA, e-mail, TV, считаются как одно слово.

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The number of cities is extremely huge and it keeps growing. Some people are sure that it is harmful for ecology while others think that it does not hurt the Earth at all.

I firmly believe that the growth of cities is not good for nature. To begin with, people in big cities have a lot of opportunities to buy something. That is why they begin to buy too many excessive things. Furthermore, the growth of cities means the growth of factories that pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink. Finally, a huge number of cities results in the shortage of forests and other areas of nature as people need more place to build multi-storeyed houses.

However, some people think differently.

They are sure that people use technologies that allow them to save the environment like cars that use solar energy or filters that purify water and air. Also, they say they plant a lot of trees to compensate the damage.

There is something in what they say. Still, I think that cities do harm because technologies reducing bad effects on the Earth are rather expensive and cannot be found everywhere.

In conclusion, I want to say that though living in a city is more comfortable than in the countryside, it is very harmful for the environment and we have to search opportunities to help to make our lifestyle greener and more nature-friendly.

Количество городов чрезвычайно велико и продолжает расти. Некоторые люди уверены, что это вредно для экологии, в то время как другие думают, что это совсем не вредит Земле.

Я твердо верю, что рост городов не идет на пользу природе. Начнем с того, что у людей в больших городах есть много возможностей что-то купить. Вот почему они начинают покупать слишком много лишних вещей. Кроме того, рост городов означает рост предприятий, которые загрязняют воздух, которым мы дышим, и воду, которую мы пьем. Наконец, огромное количество городов приводит к нехватке лесов и других природных зон, поскольку людям нужно больше места для строительства многоэтажных домов.

Однако некоторые люди думают иначе. Они уверены, что люди используют технологии, которые позволяют им сохранять окружающую среду, например, автомобили, использующие солнечную энергию, или фильтры, которые очищают воду и воздух. Кроме того, они говорят, что сажают много деревьев, чтобы компенсировать ущерб.

В том, что они говорят, есть доля правды. Тем не менее, я думаю, что города приносят вред, потому что технологии, снижающие вредное воздействие на Землю, довольно дороги и не везде можно найти.

В заключение я хочу сказать, что, хотя жить в городе комфортнее, чем в сельской местности, это очень вредно для окружающей среды, и мы должны искать возможности, которые помогут сделать наш образ жизни более экологичным.

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Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people say that the growth of cities is always harmful for the environment, whereas others believe that there are new ecological projects for cities that are not harmful at all.

In my opinion the growth of cities is not always harmful for nature. First of all , newer technologies allow people to build cities without polluting the environment. For example , there are a lot of eco-projects that make the environment even better. Secondly , nowadays cars, the most harmful elements of a city, have become much less polluting. For instance , there are many hybrids – gasoline cars that work partly on solar energy or electricity. Eco-friendly towns are developing more and more. Moreover , people have also begun to better care about nature.

At the same time there are people who think the continuing growth of is harmful. They see that the water is polluted in many cities. Cities produce a lot of waste products. In some countries people cannot drink tap water anymore. The air in big cities is very polluted as well . A lot of forests are being cut to let big cities grow.

I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above for a particular reason. The situation is changing now and it is getting better and better. People have realized its harmfulness a long time ago and have been working hard to make our existence on earth as harmless as it possible.

In conclusion , I would like to say that the ecological planning of cities has come a long way. It started moving in a different direction, namely it has become more eco-friendly. I strongly believe that eventually we will learn to build big cities that are completely harmless to the environment.

. Surprisingly, but I became the best student of the week! My parents were very happy when I told them. By the way, where does your physical examination classes take place? How do you keep fit? What is your favourite sport game? Why?

I’ve written an essay on ancient history.

Write a letter to Frank.

— answer his questions

— ask 3 questions about an essay on ancient history

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Thanks a lot for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again. I’m sorry I haven’t written you earlier. How are you doing?

In your letter you asked me a couple of questions. So, our physical examination classes take place at school’s gym 1 . As for me, I go to the 2 gym three times a week. In addition, I regularly play football with my friends because it is my favourite sport 3 game. Also, I try to not 4 eat fast food, sugar and flour products.

I’d like to ask you about your essay on ancient history. How many pages does it 7 have? + What are the main topics 8 ? + What do you think about history? 9 —

Sorry, I have to stop now as I promised to help my mom.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Comment on the following statement.

The growth of cities is harmful for the environment.

In today’s world the problem 3 of urbanization has a 1 negative influence for 2 the 4 ecology causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that the growth of cities kills our world and us, while others claim that this action do 5 not affect for 6 the environment and it is pleasant for individuals.

In my opinion, urbanization is awful for our planet 7 . Firstly, building cities pollute 8 our air which has a big impact on people’s health. Secondly, people cut down forests which is dreadful for us and our planet.

However, there are people who suppose that the growth of cities is normal for the environment because individuals can live in new houses and population growth 9 will begin which is pleasant for the country’s economy and our ecology will not suffer from this.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opposing opinion as I reckon that building cities is harmful for the our 10 ecology and when you build new houses you must 11 first 12 think about the danger of this. And think about how it kills animals, plants and our health.

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