Knowledge is power эссе

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Эссе  «Знание –сила»

 «Knowledge is power»

Подготовила  Аксютичева Анна Александровна,

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Knowledge  is  power.

       Knowledge  stands  for information about the world  and understanding of  what  a human being  gained through learning and experience while power is energy that makes something or somebody  work  or  the ability  to  control  people and events. According to Francis  Bacon`s  words knowledge makes people able to  promote and  control human  progress. The  purpose  of  my   report is to outline this   co-relation.

     To  begin with,  let`s answer the question ”Who has more power: a tribal chief or a worker ?” As far as I`m concerned, a tribal  chief  owns a total power over the members of his tribe but  despite this fact, he lives in an absolute poverty. For me it is as clear as day why:  he doesn`t possess enough knowledge about the world  and doesn`t have  means of production  to change  the  situation, what`s more, he  doesn`t  want   to do it.

                                                                                                                                                                             In contrast, a worker deals with technological advances and create new ones himself  in a way. This became possible thanks to learning and understanding what`s going on around. If people stop thinking and enlarging knowledge about the world, if a worker stops working,  progress  will  stop  too. Isn`t it a real power?

              All things considered,  it`s up to you to decide whether to believe  English philosopher  or not but it stands for reason that  all human achievements are the finish result of both  knowledge   and   labour.  The thing is that knowledge is  endless  and it`s   labour  that leads it  to higher levels   supporting  progress . So, let them  coexist  in  the  future  in order to make  mankind  more  powerful.

Знание –сила.

     Знание –это информация  о мире  и понимание  того, что  создано и освоено человеком  благодаря изучению и опыту, в то время как под силой понимается энергия, способная заставить работать кого-то или что-то, а также способность контролировать людей или события. Согласно высказыванию  Фрэнсиса  Бэкона,  знание дает людям возможность продвигать и контролировать прогресс. Цель  моего эссе  — очертить  проблему.

       Начнем с того, что ответим на вопрос « Кто имеет больше власти( или силы): вождь племени или рабочий?». Насколько мне известно, вождь  обладает всеобъемлющей властью над своими соплеменниками , но при этом живет в абсолютной бедности.  Для меня ясно, как день, почему: у него нет достаточных знаний о мире и средств, чтобы изменить ситуацию. Более того, он и не  думает  этого делать.

В противоположность, рабочий имеет дело с технологическими новшествами  и в некотором смысле создает их сам .Это стало возможным благодаря  изучению и пониманию того, что происходит вокруг. Если люди перестанут думать и преумножать знания, если рабочий перестанет работать, прогресс остановится тоже. Не в  этом ли настоящая  власть (или сила) ?

В заключении хотелось бы сказать, каждый решает верить или нет английскому философу. Но нет сомнения, что  все достижения человечества —  это конечный результат знания и труда. Только знание-  бесконечно, и именно труд поднимает его на более высокий уровень, обеспечивая прогресс. Пусть же они сосуществуют в будущем, чтобы сделать человечество более могущественным.

Knowledge means understanding of something such as facts, information, description and skills. It is the source of power to man and this distinguishes him from other creatures of the universe. Though man is physically weaker than many animals, for he cannot see as far as an eagle, nor carry heavy loads as some animals. Nevertheless he is the most powerful creature on earth. This power basically comes to him from knowledge not from physical strength. ‘Knowledge is power’ means that a man has education and a complete control on his life by using the strength of knowledge. 

The ability to acquire knowledge, preserve and pass it on to the future generation makes man powerful. It enables him to control the forces of nature and use them for his benefit. This power of knowledge, if used wisely can bring happiness to mankind. Knowledge leads to wisdom, respect and consequently power. 

Why is Knowledge Powerful?

Knowledge does not always come with power. Knowledge is the state of awareness or understanding and learning of specific information about something and it is gained from experience or study. This means a person has the resources to express his views dynamically and make intelligent decisions based on his every day situations, awareness and understanding. 

This doesn’t make a man powerful. A man is said to be powerful when he uses his knowledge to mobilize in the right direction. When a man has the ability or capacity to act or perform effectively with his knowledge then he gains Power.

Benefits of Knowledge

  1. Knowledge is important to shape our personality and perfect our behavior and dealings with people. 

  2. Knowledge hones thinking skills. Knowledge is necessary in order to be able to formulate an opinion or develop a line of thought.

  3. A person gets the power to analyze and assert situations by his knowledge. 

  4. With knowledge, a man can master the techniques of adjusting and accommodating with changes in the surroundings and life situations. 

  5. Knowledge helps a man to face adversities and stay balanced.

  6. It is a key to removing the darkness of ignorance.

  7. Knowledge helps in enhancing more options in the professional career of the individuals.

  8. Knowledge helps in boosting confidence in individuals.

  9. Education and knowledge together can provide better governance to the country.

  10. A nation can have true democracy when the citizens of the country are knowledgeable about both social and economic conditions.

Prospective of Knowledge

Education is a key to success and this statement holds true as being knowledgeable can lead to a successful life. Knowledge will never diminish like any physical entities. In fact, the evolution of civilization in our society has happened due to the increase in the knowledge base of humans. Progress in the medical field has been made possible by developing rational thinking through the use of knowledge. Knowledge is the foremost tool of empowerment. It is the key to success in life. Knowledge, along with the power to think and analyze, differentiate men from animals. Knowledge teaches us to be humble and compassionate. People with very humble backgrounds have risen to power and wealth, on the strength of knowledge and skill. Only this can maintain harmony in the society.

Writing the Knowledge is Power Essay

Writing the Knowledge is Power Essay can be quite easy. Before you start the essay, collect all the details about the proverb to understand its meaning. This way, you can curate a meaningful essay with all the right facts and relevant points. Moreover, you should know the correct format for writing an essay. You can refer to the Knowledge is Power Essay available on Vedantu’s website to understand the format and learn more about the topic. Here are some tips to follow while writing your own essay on Knowledge is Power: 

  • Gather all the information you can from textbooks to the Internet about knowledge before you begin the essay. 

  • Once you have collected all the details, start your essay with an insightful introduction to the topic to give the readers an idea of what they will be learning from the essay. 

  • While writing the main body, do not go off-topic and write irrelevant points. Everything you write should be entirely focused on the topic i.e. Knowledge is Power. 

  • Add a good conclusion at the end to summarize the entire essay and give your final statement about the topic i.e. Knowledge is Power. 

  • Once you have completed the essay, proofread it to find mistakes and rectify them immediately. 

  • If you have time, revise the essay and check whether you can add more powerful points to make your writing more effective.

Points to be included in the Knowledge is Power Essay

Before you start writing your Knowledge is Power Essay, you should have a clear understanding of what points to include. This will save a lot of your time and help you finish the essay in much less time. You can gather all the information regarding the topic i.e. Knowledge is Power, and then start writing. Here are the points that you can add in the essay: 

  • In the introduction, write mainly about that specific proverb, i.e. Knowledge is Power, to give your reader an idea of what you are reading. 

  • When you come to the main body, add relevant points and explain your opinions on the topic. For example, you can write about why knowledge is considered powerful or the benefits of knowledge. 

  • Try adding quotes related to the topic in your essay to make it more impactful. You can use these quotes before your opening statement or support the information in the main body. 

  • While writing your conclusion, add a broad statement that summarizes the essay. Do not add any new ideas or information in the conclusion. You only have to sum up the entire Knowledge is Power Essay at this stage.    

Knowledge Is Power Essay: Knowledge is a state of awareness and understanding. It refers to facts or information obtained, the wisdom acquired through learning, life’s experiences, and skill enhancement.

Knowledge gives one the power to mobilize in the right direction. That’s the reason knowledge is powerful. Acquiring knowledge means a person obtains resourcefulness and criticizes the informative and useful data. This makes a person well-informed and makes them take d intelligent decisions based on their everyday situations, awareness, and understanding.

You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more. Like this about knowledge is power essay.

Thus, the statement ‘ pen is mightier than a sword’ is right as the knowledge gives a man more powerful than a sword. The more knowledge one acquires, the more powerful he/she becomes.

Short and Long Essay on Knowledge is Power in English for Students and Children

Below is a descriptive essay on knowledge is power for students on the topic, consisting of 400-500 words.  A short essay is provided for children consisting of 150-200 words.

Long Essay on Knowledge is Power in English 500 words

This extended essay is suitable for students studying in classes 6,7,8, 9, and 10, respectively. This essay is written to assist and guide success to those aspiring students applying for competitive examinations.

Knowledge is a broad concept with no possible ending. Acquiring knowledge involve steps such as communication, logic, perception, and cognitive processes. Knowledge is a human’s capacity to identify and accept the truth. However, it can be used for positive well-being as well as negative purposes. Thus gives the power to create and destroy at the same time. Knowledge can be used for personal growth as well as the growth of a community, state, and nation. However, some people use knowledge negatively, leading to the harm of individuals or society on the whole.

Only a few people understand the real importance of knowledge. The statement ‘every educated person is knowledgeable; however, every knowledgeable person is educated’ might not make sense but is the truth. The world around us homes many educated people who still have no subject knowledge of what they have studied.

Knowledge helps you ride a bike, play the piano, solve a riddle, etc. It helps us prevent us from making the same mistake twice. Besides, one cannot buy knowledge; one has to earn his/her way to it.

Today’s world needs the power of knowledge and education. Without this, life becomes impossible to keep up the fast-paced world. However, knowledge on one particular subject will not aid your success. It is equally important to know how to make effective use of knowledge to succeed. Besides, one should know the other aspects of a subject.

Knowledge is an essential tool to obtain positive changes in our country or society. It gives individuals the future’s glance and our in development. All countries are technologically advanced and use advanced machinery and tools through the result of knowledge. Deadly weapons and explosives do not make a country powerful, rather knowledge towards betterment does.

Knowledge impacts and influences our growth and relationship with work and life. It can last for a lifetime and is highly essential for personal growth and development. One can acquire knowledge through any form such as art, dance, history, architecture, or even from one’s personal development. Knowledge gives one wisdom to make life-changing decisions in life. However, to learn more, progress, and achieve one’s goals, it is important to adopt a positive mindset.

A country’s growth and development is not through harmful weapons and armory, but with the amount of knowledgeable people. This is the real power of knowledge.

Shared knowledge helps one communicate and understand others. When we discuss certain topics with our family, friends, or elders, we give as well acquire knowledge. Through communication, we can recognize our growth and learn more to clear our doubts.

A knowledgeable person is the richest, and it cannot be stolen. However, power and money can be taken anytime. Knowledge holds the potential to solve life-related problems. It sharpens one’s problem solving and reasoning skills and aids in the smooth functioning of one’s brain. Through knowledge, we become smart enough to solve problems efficiently.

Thus, it is rightly said that knowledge helps people to bloom and keeps them away from corruption. It brings prosperity and happiness to one’s community or nation. Above all, knowledge opens doors to success.

Short Essay on Knowledge is Power in English 200 words

The short essay is suitable for children up to class 6, respectively. To help the children with their essay assignments and provide a framing guideline for comprehension.

The famous proverb ‘knowledge is power’ was stated by Francis Bacon. This proverb means that knowledge is indeed the most powerful. Knowledge is the difference that separates man from animals. Human beings are said to be the most powerful creatures because of the power of knowledge.

Knowledge plays a significant role in our lives and lets us know the effective ways to solve uneventful circumstances. Knowledge is great fame that helps us get easy access to success, name, fame, position, and power in life. Even though money and strength are important tools of power, nothing is more powerful than knowledge. However, our money and strength cannot buy or steal knowledge. Knowledge can only be achieved only through devotion, patience, and continuous practice.

Knowledge helps us improve our potential quality of life. Knowledge is the only valuable thing that cannot be stolen and remains in our lives forever. We need to distribute our knowledge with others for the betterment of the others. Knowledge gives one revolutionary idea that will help for the betterment of the community or nation on the whole.

So, we can say that knowledge is a pillar to success and happiness.

10 Lines on Knowledge is Power Essay in English

  1. The proverb ‘Knowledge is Power’ means that knowledge is the real power that stays with us throughout our life
  2. Knowledge bears great importance in our life
  3. Knowledge assists us to differentiate between right and wrong. It helps us overcome any situations and dangers around us
  4. It helps in the growth and development of one’s community or nation.
  5. Through the effective use of knowledge, one can achieve success life
  6. Knowledge impacts our personal development and influences our growth and relationship with work and life.
  7. With the help of knowledge, one can solve problems. It enhances our reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  8. One needs to remain open-minded to accept and learn knowledge. It helps in building a strong base.
  9. Communication plays a vital role in transferring knowledge. It helps us identify our mistakes and help us clarify our doubts.
  10. Knowledge shapes our personal and professional life and helps us achieve success.

FAQ’s on Knowledge is Power Essay

Question 1.
What does the proverb ‘Knowledge is Power’ mean?

This proverb ‘Knowledge is Power’ means that knowledge is indeed the most powerful and valuable thing in our life. It is a state of awareness and understanding.

Question 2.
Who quoted the proverb ‘ Knowledge is Power’?

Francis Bacon quoted the famous proverb

Question 3.
Why is Knowledge important?

Knowledge is important as it helps in communication, personal growth, and development, the success of an individual and nation, and solves problems.

This article, this paper deals with an Essay on Knowledge is Power for Students. It is a very crucial topic and will surely benefit all in your life. Here you will get the proof why it is called ‘Knowledge is Power’.

So. Let’s start the Essay on Knowledge is Power.

Introduction (Essay on Knowledge is Power)

Knowledge is the world’s most substantial element because it can build and ruin life on this planet. Also, knowledge helps us to discern between people and animals. Knowledge has the ability to utilize your skills to assist others.

Knowledge is power is a fact throughout the world that individuals at the disposal have acquired knowledge to be those who have accomplished quite a lot in their lives. That’s true when it comes to the influence and power they exert on the people and the various processes and events that spread around the world.

Knowledge brings a lot of favors to those who want to try it for themselves. It gives them the profound meaning of the different designs in the lives within the background of the society where they live & practice. Why awareness has changed society’s direction in recent years is something that needs to be carefully understood although there is some evidence suggesting this very same reason.

Bacon’s argument is in perfect accordance with how it approaches the philosophy of awareness that takes power to the helm of achievement and sustainability. It is because knowledge asserts the power of some positive aspects, for the sake of people who imply the better for one another.

statement is in line with modern society’s standards and principles, even
though the community as a whole appreciates persons that have the tacit
knowledge within their folds and can, therefore, build with no difficulty onto
the verbal and conversational dictum.

Knowledge enables a person to become better acquainted with the task at hand as well as with the general systems and activities. It takes place all over the world than even the rest of the people around them. This awareness gives the individual a better and more accurate understanding of how he would handle the problems and issues that arise from occasionally.

Importance of Knowledge

There are very few other people who understand the significance of the information. Not that every educated person is intelligent, but every qualified person is educated. The statement might sound strange, but it is real. Almost anyone in today’s world is trained, yet they don’t have an understanding of the issue they have learned.

knowledge helps you drive a car, ride a motorcycle, crack a puzzle,
respectively. Knowledge is anything that stops us from repeatedly falling into
the same trap. It is not something you want to purchase from you which you can

Benefits of Knowledge

Knowledge is anything that increases much more than you express it. It is the intelligence that preserves your intellectual capital. Similarly, humans were using their expertise to make things they couldn’t think back a few decades. It allows us to turn our ideas into practice, but it also helps us achieve the happiness we want in our lives.

knowledge helps one differentiate from what is wrong and what is right. It
helps us resolve our shortcomings, limitations and life-threatening situation.
A source with knowledge is so much more stable mentally or morally than people
who have money and much less knowledge.

Besides, awareness is an essential tool for bringing about positive changes in society and the country. Knowledge provides us with a glimpse of our potential and what we should do there. The consequence of the information is all the countries around the world using technologically advanced machinery and equipment, and several other things. Weapons or bombs may not make a country secure but knowledge.

Knowledge is power, but knowledge is not always reliable. Knowledge becomes “a state of knowledge and understanding acquired by practice or research… learning detailed information about anything. It means a person does have the inventiveness to acquire and critique exciting and informative news to be more well-informed citizens that can make quick judgments based on their experience and awareness for real-life situations.

that make them powerful? Would that be a question creeping in one’s mind? Well,
power is said to be the opportunity or capability to behave or perform
effectively. How could this ability to conduct effectively, without
understanding, be possible? In reality, it can’t. It proves that intelligence
is a must for gaining power.

is the answer to achievement is one of the words one hears throughout the
entire life at a college. It’s always true that every intelligent person leads
a successful life. Education also plays a significant role in promoting
economic development for a country.

is simple as well as simplistic to attribute this to the abundant natural
resources as well as the surplus amount of new technologies if you look at
America’s rise to prominence during most of the previous war era. We need to
remember how these innovations came across and how they are used for a
successful end.

More relevant than what makes America the largest and most powerful nation is why it has become the most powerful nation on earth. It wasn’t chance, or chance, or the reality that they would have plenty of money. Still, because through educating them or making them a successful member of society who would meet the needs of the competitive world, they laid a solid foundation for the people.

Perspective of Knowledge

Knowledge was something compelling that could destroy the entire earth or, but on the other hand, this is a tool that can restore equilibrium to the planet. The most wealthy person on earth is an experienced person because nobody can steal his / her information. Yet, at any moment, anyone can take your money and strength.

it never reduces in use, and that only increases slightly. Appropriately, a
knowledgeable person is much more valuable than a wealthy person because a
wealthy person may give the country money. Still, perhaps a well-informed
person will provide the country information and that knowledge may also
increase that nation’s wealth.


In conclusion, we may say real knowledge allows an individual to flourish. It also holds people away from war and abuse. Besides, knowledge is bringing the nation peace and prosperity. Knowledge, most of all opens doors for everybody to succeed. I hope you will like this Essay on Knowledge is Power.

The phrase ‘knowledge is power’ is a very commonly used and popular phrase signifying the importance of knowledge in life and the power that it holds. I have given below three essays on knowledge is power, of varying lengths, covering all the aspects of the phrase.

Short and Long Essays on Knowledge is Power in English

I believe these essays of 100 words, 250 words and 600 words may help you elaborate the topic in an easiest way:

Knowledge is Power Essay 10 Lines (100 — 150 Words)

1) Knowledge is power when it is applied to the benefit of humanity.

2) Knowledge helps us to live life to the fullest.

3) We should use our knowledge in an appropriate manner.

4) The inappropriate use of knowledge is viewed as a crime.

5) Knowledge and intelligence make humans supreme creatures.

6) Progress without knowledge is impossible.

7) Knowledge helps to eliminate ignorance from our minds.

8) It is the only thing that increases if shared.

9) Knowledge enables us to avoid numerous difficult situations.

10) A physically disabled person can be powerful with knowledge.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Meaning and Origin


‘Knowledge is Power’ is a quotation that’s being used for ages. It conveys the significance of knowledge in life and teaches that knowledge is the actual power one can have.


‘Knowledge is
power’ means that the knowledge that a person has acquired is the only true
power that he has. Powerful in a way that it can shape your career, make you successful,
and helps you overcome hurdles in your way. Nothing else could help you like
the way your knowledge does. You make your future plans relying on your
knowledge and steadily make progress. Knowledge helps you earn money, respect,
and success in whatever field you are.

Moreover, come
what may, you can’t lose your knowledge and it will always stay with you. Rest
all the materialistic possessions come and go, but your knowledge stays with


The Latin
translation of the phrase ‘knowledge is power’ is attributed to Sir Francis
Bacon, an English philosopher and Statesman. The phrase “ipsa scientia est”
appears in one of Bacon’s Latin works titled ‘Meditationes Sacrae (1597). The
phrase translates to ‘knowledge itself is power’ in English.

However the
exact phrase ‘scientia potentia est’ was written for the first time by Thomas
Hobbes, who served as a secretary to Bacon. In his 1668 version of the
Leviathan, Hobbes mentioned the phrase ‘scientia potentia est’ meaning ‘wisdom
is power’ in English. It is an understandable fact that wisdom is acquired only
through knowledge.


Knowledge is power is a very important phrase, telling us the significance of knowledge and that it is the true power a man can possess.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – How Knowledge gives Power


The quote
‘knowledge is power’ is widely used to convey the importance of knowledge in
life and its true worth. Knowledge is the real power that any human can
possess. It is much worth than physical power or any other possessions.

Value of Knowledge in Real Life

In real life,
knowledge is worth more than anything else. It is a very basic skill that helps
you walk through life and also make progress. Knowledge in real life is of two
categories. One is the knowledge that you acquire through your senses as you
grow up, other is the knowledge that is fed to you by your school, institution,

The knowledge
that you acquire by watching others around you, helps you in making everyday
decisions based on wit and wisdom. It is the knowledge that tells you that bees
can sting or you might get yourself injured if you take that jump. These are
common worldly knowledge that you acquire as you grow up. Knowledge of this
kind is very useful in real life.

Why Knowledge is Valuable than Money?

Knowledge is
more valuable than money because it cannot be bought with money; rather money
can be acquired using knowledge in the right way. Moreover, money is temporary
and can be lost owing to several conditions. You can lose a great amount of
your money in paying your medical bills or other miscellaneous expenses. But if
you have the required knowledge and the skill sets, you can make use of them
anytime to gain back money and materialistic possessions.

Knowledge-Power Relationship

Knowledge is
indeed the real power a man can have. It is the power to control your life and
make steady progress in the right direction. Without knowledge, you might have
physical strength but that is only temporary and will be lost with time. On the
other hand, knowledge is your true power and will help you walk through life.
With knowledge, you can achieve whatever milestone you desire in your life.
Without knowledge, you would be powerless and clueless about what to do with
your life. The knowledge-power relationship is a direct one – as you gain more
knowledge, you certainly become more powerful.


Knowledge is the true power that one can acquire in life. Compared to it all other powers are worthless and have lesser value. Knowledge is the real power that drives your life and makes you successful.

Essay on Knowledge is Power

Essay 3 (500 — 600 Words) — Knowledge is Power, Learning is Superpower


‘Knowledge is Power’ is a quotation
that establishes knowledge as the greatest virtue of a man. It states that the
true power a man could have is the knowledge he possesses. Everything else is
temporary and can be obtained using knowledge in the right way.

Importance of Knowledge in Life

Knowledge is very important in
life; in fact, it is the basic foundation stone upon which life progresses.
Knowledge is the most essential quality a human could have. So many things in
life – money, love, relationships, career, etc. all depend on one’s quality of
knowledge. These can be obtained through knowledge. The best thing about
knowledge is that it is permanent – once you have acquired it, no power in the
world can delete it. Rest everything i.e. money, wealth, relationships, can be
lost with time, but knowledge grows every moment and can well be used to claim
back the losses.

Knowledge decides your life’s worth and how successful you would be. Friends will respect you; people will love you when you have knowledge. Without knowledge, there would be no acknowledgment. Therefore, knowledge is very important in life.

How Knowledge Gives Power?

The relationship between knowledge
and power is the strongest and truest relationship among all. Let me explain.
What do you understand by power? Most people confuse power with physical
prowess, but that’s only a misconception. The real power rather lies in your
knowledge that you possessed. Knowledge makes you witty and in a way more
powerful than someone physically stronger than you but less knowledgeable.

The power that knowledge gives you
can be used to handle your life and achieve your life goals. Can anything else
– money, friends, relatives, etc will help you achieve that milestone?
Absolutely not! Only knowledge can get you what you want to do in life. This is
the real power of knowledge.

Also, there are many real-life
situations when only your knowledge can help you but not your physical strength.
Your physical strength has its own limitations and can’t be applied to face
real-life problems. There you need wisdom and wit that only knowledge can give

Knowledge is Power Learning is Superpower

Knowledge and learning are
inseparable. When you gain knowledge, you learn too. Learning unleashes your
true potential as a human. It acquaints you with your own abilities like
memory, grasping power, etc., and constantly improves them.

It is the superpower than lies within you and needs to be improved regularly. Something that is only possible when you strive to learn. Only when you learn that you will possess knowledge. For example, if someone is known to have good knowledge of Physics, that means he/she is familiar with all the concepts of the subject and is always ready to face a test. But, how has he/she has possessed the knowledge? Only through regularly learning the new concepts of the subject! Isn’t it so? Only if you learn that you acquire knowledge. It is true for every field of knowledge. When you don’t learn or have only superficial knowledge of anything, that doesn’t really help.

Superficial or part knowledge isn’t
good and rather it may be harmful at times. Part knowledge will impact your
ability to see the final results. Only if you have learned enough to gain
complete knowledge of something, that you will be knowledgeable in true sense.
It is, therefore, true that ‘knowledge is power and learning is a superpower’.


Knowledge is the most valuable skill a human can acquire. Without knowledge, there is no wisdom and hence no growth or progress. Knowledge and learning are two essential prerequisites for prosperity and growth in life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is meant by knowledge?

Ans. Knowledge means to know or understand something and it is attained by learning and experience.

Q.2 Who created the famous quote «Knowledge is Power»?

Ans. The famous quote ‘Knowledge is power’ has been created by Sir Francis Bacon.

Q.3 How is knowledge a power?

Ans. Knowledge is power because it makes us intelligent and helps us in making better decisions.

Q.4 Is education important for gaining knowledge?

Ans. Yes, education helps us in attaining knowledge and skills.

Q.5 What is the best way of improving our knowledge?

Ans. The best method of improving our knowledge is reading.

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‘Knowledge is Power’ is a proverb refers that knowledge is a true power which always remains with the person in all good and bad times. Knowledge makes a person powerful and empowers to win over any condition.


‘Knowledge is Power’ is very famous and effective proverb. Students generally get this topic in their school during exam time or any essay writing competition to write something in their own words to express views and ideas on this proverb. We have provided here various ‘Knowledge is Power essay’ in very easy and simple words to help school students. Dear students, you can use any of the essay on Knowledge is Power given below according to your need and requirement.


‘Knowledge is Power’ is very famous and effective proverb. Students generally get this topic in their school during exam time or any essay writing competition to write something in their own words to express views and ideas on this proverb. We have provided here various ‘Knowledge is Power essay’ in very easy and simple words to help school students. Dear students, you can use any of the essay on Knowledge is Power given below according to your need and requirement.


The real meaning of proverb ‘Knowledge is Power’ (said by the Francis Bacon) is, knowledge is truly a power and power of knowledge is almost everything. Actually, that is the knowledge which has distinguished the difference in man from animals. Human beings cannot compare animals in the physical power however have been counted as the most powerful creature on the earth just because of the power of knowledge.

Human beings are physically weaker than animals yet they have managed things for years to become the most powerful creature on earth. Because they get power from knowledge and not depend on the physical strength. Human beings are clever creature of nature, they have ability to acquire knowledge and preserve their knowledge, research and experiences in the books in order to pass to the new generations. Knowledge gives them power to know how to control the forces of nature and then use them for getting benefited.


Knowledge is power is the famous proverb which means knowledge is very powerful and has ability to win over all other physical power in the world. Once a person gets power of knowledge, he/she do not need to fear from other power. Knowledge plays great role in all aspects of the life by let us know the easy and effective ways to solve the circumstances. Knowledge is a very powerful factor which helps us to easily get name, fame, success, power and position in the life. We can say that money and physical strength are also important tools of power; however both of them are not so powerful like knowledge. Money and physical strength cannot buy or steal the knowledge; it can only be achieved by the continuous practice, devotion, and patience.

Knowledge helps us to convert our planning into the right action and enables to get the difference between right or wrong and good or bad. It helps us to overcome our weaknesses and faults as well as makes us able to face the dangers and difficulties by giving lots of courage and confidence. It makes a person more powerful by giving him mental, moral and spiritual advancement in the life.


Knowledge is power which we can say that it is almost everything because it has ability to make a physically weak person a most strong person of the world. It gives everything in the life like money, power, name, fame, success and position. Knowledge gives a person ability to understand, analyze, make better decisions and evolve most intelligent thoughts. It gives us feeling of well being and helps to improve the lives of us and people in our surroundings.

A more knowledgeable person in the society becomes more valuable and respected. A knowledgeable person gets more fame very easily and people want to work with him. Knowledge is the way to more doors and opportunities in the life. Knowledge provides actual freedom in the life and opens all the doors of success. Knowledge provides power to speak through our mind which really helps people to understand who you truly are.

Knowledge is very important tool to get positive changes in the society and country. Knowledge helps us to absorb things from the genius people which have potential to improve the quality of life. Knowledge is the only precious thing which nobody can take away from us; it remains with us forever and increases if we distribute it among the needy people. It gives new and revolutionary ideas which help to alter the way of viewing the world. So, we can say that knowledge is pillar to the success and happiness.


Knowledge is power proverb is said by the Francis Bacon, a great essayist. He had given his opinion that knowledge is the source of power to man. The meaning of knowledge is power is that real power comes from the knowledge which distinguishes man from animals. It is very true that human beings are physically weak than animals however they are not so weak by mind because they have knowledge which gives them true power to handle almost everything in the world. Man is considered as the clever creature on the earth even after being weak physically than other creatures.

Man has a mind, full of knowledge and thus full of power which make them able to manage various up and down circumstances in the life. There are many things which man cannot do physically such as running on bare foot, see far like an eagle, run so fast like panther, fight with forest animals, carry heavy loads, smell fast like dog, etc; but he can do all things through the technologies developed by him by using his power of knowledge.

Man has ability to get knowledge (from books, research and experience), preserve into books and again pass on that knowledge to their successive generations. Knowledge is a power which can control nature’s forces as well as giving benefits. The use of knowledge depends on the man; he can use it in positive and negative ways too. The use of knowledge in positive ways give lots of benefits to the humanity however, in the negative ways, it may destroy the whole planet. Man has power to wisely use the knowledge for mankind in order to create a better and safer world.

True knowledge keeps people away from the fights, corruption and other social issues harmful for the humanity. Undoubtedly, we can say that knowledge is power which can bring countless happiness to the people if it is used in the right direction especially for the welfare of whole humanity. Knowledge opens the eyes of people and opens all the way to success.


Knowledge is power is the most famous and true proverb said by the famous personality named, Francis Bacon. Knowledge helps to differentiate between human beings and animals. Man has mind and ability to use the power of knowledge accordingly, that’s why man is called as the most powerful and intelligent creature on the earth by the nature. Knowledge helps in improving the personality of man; it creates self confidence and brings lots of patience to do most difficult tasks in the life. We can say godmother to the knowledge because it gives ways to all the discoveries, inventions, and explorations.

Knowledge gain is not limited to anything; it can be gained by the person all through the life of any age. Knowledge gain is a long process of dedication, patience and continuity. It is like unlimited money which can never be finished, however the level of knowledge of a person increases with the distribution among needy people. A person can gain some new knowledge through the regular observation and experimentation. Every person take birth with same quality, mind and power, however when he/she grows develops different quality, mind and power; all differences are just because of the knowledge level of every person. For example, Newton discovered theory of gravitation and there are other many famous scientists who have been discovered amazing things in life involving in making life easy and advance on the earth. All have been possible because of the power of knowledge.

All the modern technologies discovered in many countries individually have made countries so powerful economically and militarily than other countries, all are based on knowledge. The underlying secret of every success is the power of knowledge which ultimately gives a person name, fame and money. India has also done a lot in the field of science, research, medicine, education, etc; still developing continuously in various fields to be a powerful country on the basis of knowledge. The progress of human beings or any country is completely depends on the growth of knowledge in various fields in the positive and constructive ways. Use of knowledge in destructive and negative ways may hugely disturb the life existence on the earth.

Francis Bacon has said that knowledge is itself a power, having ability to change everything. Knowledge gives way to handle situation, to make plan, the way to implement plan and make impossible things possible. If one has complete knowledge, he/she is the luckiest and richest person in the world because knowledge can never be stolen or plundered and does not decrease even when it is given to others. In fact, knowledge is a power and we can say that the strongest power in the world is knowledge.


Essay on knowledge is power given above are written by the professional content writer especially to help students in their difficult times. All are easily worded and given under various words limit to fulfill the need of all range of students. Apart from knowledge is power essay, you can also get other related essays and related information such as:

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Knowledge is Power Essay

Earlier, information had to be stored on scrolls, tablets, or passed down orally, from one generation to the other. Life is so much simpler nowadays. If we wish to learn about something, we have so many resources to consider. Knowledge is of vital importance, because it allows us to make informed decisions. Those who have sufficient knowledge are able to utilise it for survival.

Laozi, a Chinese philosopher believed, “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” If we do not invest time in acquiring knowledge, we cannot expect to be the master of a field. Our entire life is a learning experience. Those who pay better attention are able to retain most of that knowledge, throughout the span of their lives. However, not all of us appreciate the chances that we get. We are so influenced by competition, that our preparations are usually focused on another individual. In an attempt to be the best, our passion for knowledge is diluted.  There may be various situations in our lives, where our knowledge shines through. It shapes our personality and contributes to our well being. It empowers us to question what we have learnt, and therefore, get a deeper understanding of complex concepts. Many facilities such as schools, libraries, internet etc are freely available to us. This is not the case in every part of the globe. There are millions of children who do not have access to a stable source of knowledge.

Knowledge is power, because it equips people with the information and skills necessary to obtain success. While achieving our own goals, we are able to contribute to the development and growth of our countries. We are able to add meaning to our lives. Knowledge helps us fulfill our life purpose. So, learn everything you can and remember it well. Someday, it will all come handy.


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