Interesting holiday activities around the world эссе

All of us love holidays and most of us are used to celebrating Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, New Year and other traditional holidays. However, there are many celebrations which we have never heard of and which are unusual for us.

For example, in Thailand, there is Lopburi Monkey Buffet. This holiday is celebrated on the last weekend of November and yes, there are monkeys there! Every year residents of Lopburi bring food to this festival to treat primates with various delicious snacks. This is not just an unusual party, but the way villagers deal with monkeys who have always been greedy for food and have stolen some treats from people.

But not only monkeys have their own party. Groundhog is a symbol of an Australian holiday with a bizarre name, Bonza Bottler Day. This holiday is celebrated every month and the day usually coincides with the number of a month (March, 3; June,6…). Strange? Yes, but it is still a holiday and a regular one, too. The name of the celebration means “something excellent” and people should throw a party on this day.

Japanese people are the champions of a strange thing, so their holidays are not an exception. Hadaka Matsuri is celebrated on the third Saturday of February and it is a festival of naked men! No, these men are not nudists, they just believe in the power of traditions. This holiday is celebrated on the coldest day of the year and men wear no clothes in order to show their bravery and be on a roll for the whole year.


Все мы любим праздники, и большинство из нас привыкло отмечать Рождество, День благодарения, Пасху, Новый год и прочие традиционные торжества. Однако существует множество праздников, о которых мы даже не слышали и которые необычны для нас.

Например, в деревне Лопбури в Тайланде в последние выходные ноября проводится «Обезьяний буфет» и да, там действительно присутствуют обезьяны! Каждый год жители Лопбури приносят еду на праздник, дабы угостить приматов различными вкусными закусками. Это не просто странная вечеринка, но способ сотрудничества жителей деревни с этими зверьками, вечно жадными до еды, которые воруют угощения у людей.

Не только у обезьян есть собственная вечеринка. Сурок – символ австралийского праздника со странным названием Bonza Bottler Day. Этот праздник отмечают каждый месяц, а день обычно совпадает с номером месяца (3 марта, 6 июня и т.д.). Странно? Да, но это все же праздник, причем регулярный! Название его означает «что-то великолепное», а людям рекомендуется закатывать вечеринки в этот день.

Японцы – настоящие чемпионы по странностям, вот и их праздники не стали исключением. Hadaka Matsuri отмечается в третью субботу февраля, и этот праздник – фестиваль голых мужчин! Нет, эти мужчины вовсе не нудисты, они просто верят в силу традиций. Этот фестиваль проходит в самый холодный день года, а мужчины приходят без одежды, чтобы показать свою смелость и поймать за хвост удачу на весь будущий год.


Treat – угощать

Greedy for food – жадный до еды

Groundhog – сурок

Bizarre – странный

Coincide with – совпадать c

Throw a party – устроить вечеринку

Exception – исключение

Be on a roll – оказаться на волне удачи, поймать удачу за хвост

Представлена подборка сочинений о Путешествиях на английском языке с переводом на русский язык.

Travelling Путешествия Travelling to new and interesting countries has always attracted people. It’s like a part of routine. People work for some time and then they travel during their holidays. The choice of a place depends on their interests and wishes, on their finances and the length of the holidays. Поездка в новые и интересные страны всегда привлекала людей. Это как часть рутины. Люди работают в течение некоторого времени, а затем они путешествуют во время каникул. Выбор места зависит от их интересов и пожеланий, их финансов и длительности отпуска. Читать полностью >>> Travelling Of My Dream Путешествие моей мечты Travelling is one of the best activities a person can do. When you travel you get new experience, learn about the cultures of other countries and visit unique places around the whole world. Travelling is learning foreign languages, tasting local dishes and meeting new friends. Путешествия – это одно из самых лучших занятий для человека. Когда вы путешествуете, вы получаете новый опыт, узнаете культуру других стран и посещаете уникальные места по всему миру. Путешествие – это изучение иностранного языка, дегустация местных блюд и новые знакомства. Читать полностью >>> My Travel Моё путешествие Millions of people in the world spend their holidays travelling. Luckily, there are many companies today, which can organize your tour and leisure time whenever or wherever you like. As for me, I am curious to know more about new places and countries, to explore their sights and to learn about other people’s culture. Миллионы людей в мире проводят свой отпуск в путешествиях. К счастью, сегодня есть множество компаний, которые могут организовать ваш тур и досуг, куда угодно и когда угодно. Что касается меня, мне любопытно узнать больше о новых местах и странах, исследовать их достопримечательности и узнать о культуре других людей. Читать полностью >>> I Love Travelling Я люблю путешествовать Millions of people throughout the world spend their holidays travelling and I’m no exception. Travelling is my passion. Luckily, my parents are of the same opinion. So, each time we have a holiday, we try to go somewhere new. It can be either a new city, or a new country. Миллионы людей во всем мире проводят отпуск, путешествуя, и я не исключение. Путешествия – это моя страсть. К счастью, мои родители того же мнения. Поэтому, каждый раз, когда наступает отпуск, мы стараемся посетить какое-нибудь новое место. Это может быть либо новый город, либо новая страна. Читать полностью >>> Travelling By Sea Путешествие по морю There are numerous means of travelling, but many people choose to travel by sea. I’m sure they have a number of reasons for that. First of all, it is a pleasant feeling to be in boundless expanse of the sea or ocean. Secondly, travelling by sea is comfortable and speedy. Существует много способов путешествия, но многие люди предпочитают путешествовать по морю. Я уверена, что у них есть на это ряд причин. Прежде всего, приятно плыть по бескрайним просторам моря или океана. Во-вторых, путешествие по морю удобно и быстро. Читать полностью >>> Cruise Морское путешествие A year ago, I had an opportunity to take a short cruise with my parents. It was just my second trip abroad. The first time I flew to Turkey with my mother. By the way, there was also a boat trip, but I can’t call it a cruise. Год назад, я с родителями смогла совершить небольшое морское путешествие. Это был всего лишь мой второй выезд за границу. Первый раз я летала в Турцию с мамой. Там, кстати, тоже была морская прогулка, но назвать её морским путешествием, думаю, нельзя. Читать полностью >>> Travelling By Car Путешествие на машине Travelling is one of the most pleasant pastimes for me. I love seeing new places, meeting new people and learning about other cultures. There are many ways to travel, for example, by train, by plane, by bus, by car, by ship. Путешествия – это одно из самых приятных видов времяпровождения для меня. Я люблю осматривать новые места, знакомиться с новыми людьми и узнавать о других культурах. Существует много способов путешествовать, например, на поезде, на самолете, на автобусе, на машине, на корабле. Читать полностью >>> Travelling By Plane Путешествие на самолёте Travelling to another city or even a country is always an exciting adventure. A lot of interesting things await you ahead: new acquaintances, amazing events, visits to unusual places, beautiful nature. But in order to get to your destination, you need to take a train trip or flight. Путешествие в другой город или даже страну — это всегда захватывающее приключение. Впереди тебя ждёт много интересного: новые знакомства, удивительные события, посещение необычных мест, прекрасная природа. Но чтобы добраться до места назначения, нужно совершить поездку на поезде или перелёт. Читать полностью >>> Why Do People Travel? Почему люди путешествуют? I can’t remember any person in my life who ever said “I don’t like travelling”. To my mind travelling is one of the best activities a person can do. And there are many reasons to travel. Я не помню, чтобы хоть один человек сказал мне «Я не люблю путешествовать». По-моему путешествия – это одно из самых замечательных занятий для человека. И существует множество причин, почему мы должны путешествовать. Читать полностью >>> Travelling Abroad Путешествие заграницу Travelling is a very nice activity. You can travel in your own country or abroad, you will anyway get lots of impression. It’s not only a lot of fun, but it’s also quite useful for a person. As for me I prefer traveling abroad, because I like seeing people from other countries and learning about their culture. Путешествие – это замечательное занятие. Вы можете путешествовать по своей стране или заграницу, в любом случае вы получите массу впечатлений. Это не только весело, но еще и полезно. Лично я предпочитаю путешествовать заграницу, потому что я люблю встречать людей из других стран, изучать их культуру. Читать полностью >>> I Want to Travel Я хочу путешествовать There are over two hundred and fifty countries on our planet, and it is unlikely that there is at least one person, who managed to visit each of them. На нашей планете насчитывается более двухсот пятидесяти стран, и вряд ли существует хоть один человек, который успел посетить каждую из них. Читать полностью >>> We Like Traveling Мы любим путешествовать My family likes traveling. Dad has already been to almost 50 countries, my mother has several countries less, and I have only 8. I’m not discouraged, my time is still ahead, I will have enough time to catch up and overtake my parents. The last country we visited was China. Наша семья очень любит путешествовать. Папа посетил уже почти 50 стран, мама на несколько стран меньше, ну а я, пока только 8. Я не унываю, моё время всё ещё впереди, я успею нагнать и перегнать родителей. Последняя страна, которую мы посетили, это Китай. Читать полностью >>> Tourism Туризм Tourism is becoming more and more popular. It’s one of the best ways to spend a holiday. It’s also a well-developed business nowadays. There are so many means of travelling around the world, such as jet-planes, express trains, cruise liners, comfortable buses, personal cars and else. Туризм становится все более и более популярным. Это один из лучших способов проведения каникул. В настоящее время это также хорошо-развитый бизнес. Существует так много способов путешествовать по миру, например, реактивные самолеты, экспресс поезда, круизные лайнеры, комфортабельные автобусы, легковые автомобили и т.д. Читать полностью >>> Tourists Туристы Tourists are those people who love and travel around their country and the world. Now there are a lot of them, the vast majority of people are tourists. Tourists can be divided into several different groups which, however, have some similarities. Туристами называют людей, кто любит и путешествует по своей стране и миру. В настоящее время их очень много, подавляющее количество людей — туристы. Туристов можно поделить на несколько схожих, но всё же различных групп. Читать полностью >>> The Place I Will Never Forget Место, которое я никогда не забуду Last summer my mother and I visited Florence, one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. This place made a big impression on me which I would never forget. Прошлым летом, я с мамой побывал во Флоренции, одном из самых красивых городов Италии. Это место произвело на меня большое впечатление, я его никогда не забуду. Читать полностью >>> Where I Was In Summer Где я был летом My name is Julia and I’m fourteen years old. Summer is my favourite season as it is full of activities and exciting adventures. It’s not a secret that we have the longest holiday season at this time of the year. Меня зовут Юля и мне четырнадцать лет. Лето мой любимый сезон, так как оно изобилует активной деятельностью и увлекательными приключениями. Не секрет, что самый длинный курортный сезон бывает в это время года. Читать полностью >>> Where I Went This Summer? Куда я ездила летом? My name is Anita and I’m 14 years old. I’m a high school student now at the school number 125. I live in Yekaterinburg with my parents and my younger brother. My grandparents live far from us. It takes an hour and a half to reach them by car. Our city is large and beautiful. I like living there. However during the holidays we often travel. Меня зовут Анита и мне 14 лет. В настоящее время учусь в старших классах школы № 125. Я живу в Екатеринбурге со своими родителями и младшим братом. Мои бабушка и дедушка живут далеко от нас. Для того чтобы добраться до них на машине нужно ехать полтора часа. Наш город большой и красивый. Мне нравится жить в нем. Однако во время каникул мы часто путешествуем. Читать полностью >>> Seaside Vacation Каникулы на морском побережье Last year in June when summer vacation just started, my parents and I went to Cypress. My father got lucky and bought last-minute tickets. We were going to stay at the seaside for 10 days, that was the best start of my summer vacation! В прошлом году, в июне, как только начались летние каникулы, я с родителями отправился на остров Кипр. Моему папе повезло, и он смог купить горящую путёвку. Целых десять дней нам предстояло прожить на морском побережье, отличное начало каникул! Читать полностью >>> Seaside Vacation Каникулы на море Summer vacation is the best time for every schoolchild. It’s so great if you can spend it at the sea! Warm sun, salty water, hot sand and, of course, a lot of fun activities, nothing can beat that! Летние каникулы — это самая долгожданная пора в жизни каждого школьника. А как же здорово провести их не где-нибудь, а на море! Жаркое солнце, соленая вода, горячий, обжигающий ноги песок и, конечно, множество веселых развлечений — ничего не может быть лучше такого отдыха! Читать полностью >>> The Country Of My Dreams Страна моей мечты I have not visited many countries yet, but I hope that this list will only increase. My greatest dream is to visit the UK. I can surely say that this is the country of my dreams. Я побывал пока не во многих странах, но надеюсь, что этот список будет только увеличиваться. Самая моя большая мечта — это побывать в Великобритании. Можно сказать, что это страна моей мечты. Читать полностью >>> I Want To Visit All Countries In The World Я хочу посетить все страны мира I have thought that it is impossible to visit all countries of the world recently, but once I heard the news that one of the famous bloggers had visited all countries in the world. I realized that it was real and I wanted to repeat his success. Ещё недавно, я думал, что посетить все страны мира невозможно, но тут в новостях я услышал новость, что один из известных блогеров посетил все страны мира. Я понял, что это возможно и мне захотелось повторить его успех. Читать полностью >>> The Country I Want To Visit Страна, которую я хочу посетить I really want to visit one of the most unusual and mysterious countries in the world, Japan. Everyone has undoubtedly heard the words, that were unclear not long ago but now entirely entered the Russian language — samurai, geisha, sakura, ikebana, sumo, origami, sushi and others. Я очень хочу посетить одну из самых необычных и загадочных стран мира — Японию. Все, конечно же, слышали, ещё недавно малопонятные слова, а сейчас плотно вошедшие в русский язык — самурай, гейша, сакура, икебана, сумо, оригами, суши и другие. Читать полностью >>> Where I Want To Go Куда я хочу поехать “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page”. I absolutely agree with this quotation. I have always wanted to know more about the world, to see new places, to discover new sights, to learn more about different cultures. «Мир – это книга, и тот, кто не путешествует, читает только одну страницу». Я полностью согласна с этим высказыванием. Я всегда хотела знать больше о мире, посещать новые места, открывать для себя новые достопримечательности, узнавать больше о различных культурах. Читать полностью >>> The Place Where I Want To Go Место, куда я хочу поехать I really want to go to Lake Baikal. It is not only a lake, but also one of the most interesting and unusual water bodies in the world. Firstly, it is the deepest lake in the world, its depth is 1642 meters! Я очень хочу поехать на озеро Байкал. Это не просто озеро, а одно из самых интересных и необычных водных объектов в мире. Во-первых, это самое глубокое озеро в мире, наибольшая его глубина 1642 метра! Читать полностью >>> Where I Want To Travel Где бы я хотел побывать I am lucky to have parents who are interested in travelling. Each year we go somewhere new and exciting. I’m only 14, but I’ve already been in several neighboring countries and even in Thailand, which is 9 hours away by plane. Мне повезло, что мои родители интересуются путешествиями. Каждый год мы ездим в какое-нибудь новое и интересное место. Мне только 14, а я уже побывал в нескольких близлежащих странах, и даже в Таиланде, до которого лететь 9 часов. Читать полностью >>> I Want To Visit The USA Я хочу посетить США I really want to visit such a beautiful country as the USA. This desire I have had for a long time, I do not even remember when it started. Perhaps this dream appeared when I was playing computer games, where the action often took place in American cities. Я очень хочу посетить такую прекрасную страну, как США. Это желание у меня появилось очень давно, даже не помню когда. Возможно, эта мечта появилась тогда, когда я играл в компьютерные игры, где часто действие происходит в американских городах. Читать полностью >>> I want To Visit Italy Я хочу посетить Италию My name is Alina and I really want to visit Italy. It all started in 6th grade, when I watched some programs of a famous blogger about Italy. I liked what I had seen so much that I began to look for additional information about this country and even learnt a little Italian. Меня зовут Алина и я очень хочу посетить Италию. Всё началось в 6 классе, когда я посмотрела несколько передач известного блогера об Италии. Мне так понравилось увиденное, что я начала искать различную информацию об этой стране и даже немного учить итальянский язык. Читать полностью >>> I Want To Visit France Я хочу посетить Францию I have been looking forward to visiting France for a long time, because I fell in love with it when I was 10 years old. This is probably due to the fact that I study French in school and our teacher, who also likes France, talks about it a lot. I am now 14 years old and my dream has recently become more realistic. Я уже давно хочу посетить Францию, так как влюбилась в неё, когда ещё мне было лет 10. Наверное, это из-за того, что я в школе изучаю французский язык, а наша учительница тоже любит Францию, поэтому много и интересно о ней рассказывает. Сейчас мне уже 14 лет и моя мечта совершенно недавно стала более осуществимой. Читать полностью >>> The City of my Dream Город моей мечты Since young age, I have always wondered what the perfect place for living would be like. Now, I can say that I have a clear vision of the city of my dreams. First of all, it should be situated in a sunny part of our planet and have great weather conditions all year round. С ранних лет мне всегда было интересно, каким было бы идеальное место для проживания. Сейчас я могу сказать, что у меня есть своё чёткое видение города моей мечты. В первую очередь, он должен быть расположен в южной части нашей планеты и иметь отличные погодные условия круглый год. Читать полностью >>> The City I Want To Visit Город, который я хочу посетить There are many wonderful cities in the world that I’d like to see. However, my long time dream is to visit the British capital. In my opinion, London is one of the most diverse and interesting cities on our planet. I have a to-do list for this place, which consists of six important points. В мире множество замечательных городов, которые я хотел бы осмотреть. Однако моя давняя мечта посетить британскую столицу. На мой взгляд, Лондон один из самых многоликих и интересных городов на нашей планете. Для этого места я приготовил список дел, состоящий из шести важных пунктов. Читать полностью >>> At The Airport В аэропорту Travelling by plane is one of the easiest ways to see other countries. I love travelling and being at the airport. This place has a special atmosphere. For me the journey starts once I get there. Путешествия на самолете – один из самых лёгких способов увидеть другие страны. Я люблю путешествовать и бывать в аэропорту. В этом месте особая атмосфера. Для меня путешествие начинается, как только я туда попадаю. Читать полностью >>> Hotel Отель Now a lot of people like travelling, and I also like it. There are millions of places to go and see. Some people like staying with their friends when they travel, some rent a flat or a house, but most of people book a hotel. Сейчас многие люди любят путешествовать, и я тоже. Существуют миллионы мест, куда можно поехать и что-то посмотреть. Некоторые любят останавливаться у друзей во время путешествия, некоторые снимают квартиру или дом, но большинство людей бронируют отель. Читать полностью >>> Should You Visit Russia? Стоит ли посещать Россию? Should you visit Russia? I think every foreigner asks himself this question before they come to Russia. All these doubts are caused by some old negative stereotypes that all the Russians are unfriendly, inhospitable people with criminal mind and uncontrollable drinking habits and low culture. Стоит ли посещать Россию? Наверно, этот вопрос задает себе каждый иностранец перед своим первым визитом в нашу страну. Такие сомнения во многом могут быть вызваны устоявшимися негативными стереотипами, согласно которым русские — это недружелюбные и негостеприимные люди с криминальным мировоззрением, неконтролируемой склонностью к употреблению алкогольных напитков и низким уровнем культуры. Читать полностью >>> My Dream Моя мечта Every person has imagination, which can enter our thoughts. Thanks to that we can dream. At first, they are small and simple. For example, every kid’s dream is to have a candy or to get a small toy as a present. When people grow up, their priorities change so their dreams change with them. У каждого человека есть воображение, которое может проникать в мысли. Благодаря этому, у нас появляются мечты. Вначале они маленькие и простые. Например, мечта каждого ребенка получить конфетку или небольшую игрушку в подарок. Когда люди вырастают, их приоритеты меняются, и их мечты меняются вместе с ними. Читать полностью >>>

Festival of the Sun — Inti Raymi — in Peru

The festival of Inti Raymi is based on the ancient ceremonies of the Incas and other Indian peoples of the empire. The festival is held every year in Cusco during the winter solstice (June 24). The sun god Inti was considered the forefather of life and the patron saint of the Inca empire of Tahuantinsuyu. The entire peasant population worshipped him to get a good harvest for the coming year. This action was accompanied by sacrifices, dances, rituals, and fortune-telling. Today, the festival of Inti Raymi is no less impressive, with large-scale processions and ceremonies, watching the lighting of the sacred fire, and immersing yourself in the inexpressible atmosphere of the ancient festival.

Celebrating at the Sun Festival

Inti Raimi Sun Festival ©

Festival of the Sun

Inti Raimi Festival in Peru ©

Lantern Festival Yuánxiāojié in China

The Chinese hold the mysterious and beautiful Yuánxiāojié Lantern Festival every year on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar. It has ancient roots and dates back to the XV century. According to Taoist legends, this day is associated with the name of Tianguan, the patron of heaven, who loves light, colorful performances, and fire. During the festival, the people of China light celestial lanterns of all shapes and sizes and then release them into the night sky. The streets of Chinese cities shining with colorful lights become the centers of large-scale popular festivities, performances, concerts, and fireworks.

Many lanterns in the sky at the festival

Lantern Festival Yuánxiāojié ©

Lanterns at the festival

Lantern Festival Yuánxiāojié ©

Up Helly Aa in Scotland

The biggest Viking festival in the world, Up Helly Aa, is held on the last Tuesday in January and gives visitors a glimpse into the legendary past of these fearless warriors. Every year, Scottish towns hold torchlight parades of locals in carnival costumes. A spectacular fire show and music often accompany the parade itself. During the procession, disguised Vikings carry a stylized boat to the river, the place where it is ritually burned. As a rule, the celebration ends with a feast, duels, songs, and dances. This event allows guests to learn more about the long history of Scotland.

Viking holiday

Up Helly Aa © konstantin belovtov / Shutterstock

Vikings with torches

Up Helly Aa in Scotland © konstantin belovtov / Shutterstock

Holi Festival in India

The ancient Hindu festival of Holi is held in late February and early March. This colorful act symbolizes the victory of good over evil each year. It begins with a bonfire, the sacred flame of which burns away evil, and after that, the participants are in for some real fun. Crowds of people sprinkle each other with colored powder and organic paints as a sign of goodness and good luck. The incredible energy of joy and happiness that reigns at the festival is so contagious that it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to it. That’s why today Holi is celebrated not only in India but also in many other countries.

Crowds of people at the festival

Holi Festival in India ©

People at the festival of colors

Holi Festival ©

Tourists in paints at the festival

Holi Festival in India ©

Venice Carnival

The most romantic city in Italy fills with bright colors and sounds of music every year at the end of February. Residents and guests of Venice dress up in splendid costumes in the style of the Middle Ages and cover their faces with masks, which have long been a traditional symbol of the Venice Carnival. Anyone can become a part of this spectacular action — you should just buy a mask. By the way, they are sold on every corner during the holiday. The carnival ends with the awarding of the contestants who have demonstrated the most original and colorful costumes.

Carnival costumes and gondolas at the Grand Canal

Venice Carnival © Samot / Shutterstock

Carnival costume

Venice Carnival © Samot / Shutterstock

La Tomatina in Spain

Spain holds the amazing festival of La Tomatina in the last days of summer. Musical performances, dances, parades, and fireworks take place for seven days in many cities. All this is accompanied by ruthless battles, the main weapon of which is a ripe tomato. The participants literally swim in the tomato juice and do not spare any rivals in this bloody battle. In addition, you can participate in original competitions as part of the holiday. The hardest part of the festival is cleaning houses and streets with water hoses, which takes a long time.

Mash of people and tomatoes

La Tomatina tomato festival in Spain ©

Children's fight with tomatoes

La Tomatina © интересный-мир.рф

Burning Man in the USA

It is one of the biggest and greatest festivals in the world that needs no description. Many cultural events pale in comparison to the legendary Burning Man, held in Nevada from the last Monday in August to the first Monday in September. The strange and somewhat shocking festival has no clear plan. The unique atmosphere is created not only by the organizers and the desert where the festival takes place but also by the participants themselves. They build a tent city with homemade art objects and the necessary infrastructure. Nobody knows how they will surprise the audience and each other — crazy dances, nudist bike rides, or a parade of space aliens. The culmination of the festival is the burning of a huge wooden statue of a man and the main temple.

Light show at the Burning Man Festival in USA

Burning Man ©

Fire monster at the festival

Burning Man Festival ©

Wooden structure in the form of a pair of people

Burning Man Festival ©

Constructions on wheels in the form of huge teapots

Burning Man ©

Tomorrowland in Belgium

The biggest electronic music festival in the world is held at the end of July in the Belgian city of Boom. The famous three-day event annually gathers more than 300 thousand guests. The main stages are set up in a large park with artificial ponds and picturesque green areas. The area will be equipped in advance with food courts, grills, and all the necessary infrastructure. The impressive decorations, pyrotechnics, and powerful acoustics help create an unforgettable show and deserve special attention. And the headliners of the festival are usually international artists — Armin van Buuren, David Guetta, Skrillex, Technoboy, and others.

Spectators in front of the stage at the night festival

Tomorrowland in Belgium ©

Laser night show at the festival

Tomorrowland in Belgium ©

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Brazilian Carnival)

The Brazilian Carnival can safely claim to be the best and most unforgettable event in the world of holidays and festivals. For this reason, it occupies a place of honor in the Guinness Book of Records. Carnival takes place every year in February and attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. Every year its funding grows, and so does its scope. Renowned athletes, actors, and musicians often take part in the event. The most spectacular part of the carnival is the thematic performances and competitions of dance schools. Giant moving platforms, unique costumes, life-size puppets and decorations, music, and crazy energy — it’s really hard to describe the atmosphere of this holiday in words.

Eagle at the carnival stadium

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro © T photography / Shutterstock

Samba lessons in Sambadromo

Brazilian Carnival © T photography / Shutterstock

Sziget in Hungary

The legendary Sziget is, without a doubt, one of the best music festivals in the world. It has been taking place every summer in Budapest since 1993. Visitors have a whole week to enjoy live performances of their favorite artists, listen to the music of various genres, and take part in other cultural events. The festival includes exhibitions, performances, film screenings, workshops, and more. Food and alcohol are sold on-site, and Sziget guests are offered camping accommodations. The line-up of the festival is determined by public vote. Musicians who have performed at Sziget include Dua Lipa, Kings Of Leon, Major Lazer, The Strokes, A$AP Rocky, Khalid, and others.

Rock festival

Sighet Festival ©

Rock festival

Sziget Festival ©

Comic-Con in the USA

Comic-Con, a popular nonprofit festival dedicated to pop culture and comics, has been held since 1970 in San Diego, California, USA. It takes place in late July and early August and guarantees attendees four days of fun, meetings with the film industry representatives, designers, writers, premieres, and more. You can enter the festival as a spectator or register as a participant, in which case you must choose a character and create a detailed image with costumes and makeup. Comic-Con has long been considered an international festival and gives unforgettable emotions to fans from all corners of the world.

A copy of the transformer bumblebee from the TV series Transformers at Comic Con

Transformer at the convention center at San Diego Comic Con © Lauren Elisabeth / Shutterstock

Animators in superhero costumes during the festival

Cosplayers at Comic Con © Boycez / Shutterstock

Sonar in Spain

The well-known international festival of contemporary music and multimedia art Sonar gathers about 100,000 spectators every year in Barcelona. It takes place at the end of the summer and lasts three days. The program of the event, up to the very beginning, is kept secret. The daytime part of the concerts is called Sonar by Day, and the night part is called Sonar by Night. You can see musicians and DJs of world-scale on the stages. Björk, Beastie Boys, The Chemical Brothers, Skrillex, The Roots, M.I.A., Justice, and others have been guests at the festival in the past few years. An additional program includes the Sonar+D International Conference on Contemporary Technology in the Arts, bringing together media and showbiz professionals from various countries.

Dance music festival

Sonar Festival ©

Festival square in front of the stage

Sonar Festival ©

Harbin International Ice and Snow festival

The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival has been held in the Chinese city of Harbin since 1963. Around January 5, this place literally turns into a fairy tale. The amazing snow and ice scenery seems to take you to another reality. The festival usually lasts a month, but sometimes the sculptures remain on the sites until the end of February. On average, visitors can see about 2,000 exhibits that amaze children and adults alike. In addition to the exhibition itself, the event features various concerts, performances, and active entertainment.

Ice structures at the International Ice and Snow Festival

Harbin International Ice © Giusparta / Shutterstock

Annual Winter Festival in Harbin

Harbin International Ice and Snow festival © kikujungboy CC / Shutterstock

Patrick’s Day in Ireland

The world-famous holiday in honor of the Irish patron saint is celebrated on a large scale in many countries. Of course, it is worth coming to Dublin on March 17 to experience the most authentic and grandiose atmosphere of this cultural event. On St. Patrick’s Day, you can see thousands of people in green costumes drinking beer, singing songs, and having fun on the city’s streets. A large-scale parade is an integral part of the festival, and the main symbols are leprechauns and shamrocks. It is customary to wrap up the celebration in one of the city’s pubs, where crowds gather at the end of the day.

People in green hats

Patrick’s Day in Ireland © David Ardura / Shutterstock

St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin

St. Patrick’s Day Parade © David Ardura / Shutterstock

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

The incredibly spectacular and colorful Hot Air Balloon Festival takes place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. It attracts crowds of tourists every year who want to see this beauty with their own eyes. Not for nothing is it awarded the unofficial status of the world’s most photographed event. The popular festival takes place in late June and lasts for nine days. The launch of more than 700 giant balloons of all shapes and colors takes place in the Rio Grande Valley both during daylight and at night. Visitors not only have the opportunity to become spectators but also to ride one of the beautiful balloons. There are other entertainment activities on the site — various workshops, concerts, and performances. The daily program ends with a bright fireworks display.

The famous Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta event

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta © Zhukova Valentyna / Shutterstock

Hot air balloon fiesta in Albuquerque

International Balloon Festival © Kit Leong / Shutterstock

Snowbombing in Austria

The Snowbombing festival of dance and electronic music takes place in spring in the Austrian resort of Mayrhofen. This unique event allows you to combine several pleasant activities at once. In the daytime, you can devote yourself to winter sports, and in the evening, you can enjoy the performances of the best DJs and musicians. Most of the line-up is usually made up of electronic artists, but the program of the festival always includes other genres. Snowbombing is not only a large-scale and significant music festival but also an excellent opportunity to get even more impressions from the vacation.

Electronic Music Festival

Snowbombing in Austria ©

Dance music festival

Snowbombing in Austria ©

Full Moon Party in Ko Pha Ngan

This is one of those parties that makes it definitely worth it to stay awake for one night. Full Moon Party is a famous monthly disco on the Thai island of Ko Phangan in honor of the full moon. Endless dancing to techno, drum’n’bass, and reggae, many cocktails and crazy energy charge you from the first minutes. It is a real escape for party-goers and fans of bright nightlife. Typically, the event is attended by about twenty thousand tourists from different countries. Many gather on the coast before sunset and leave by morning. In addition to the driving atmosphere of the event, you can enjoy beautiful views of the ocean and meet the sunrise to your favorite music.

Disco at the festival

Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan ©

Fire show at the festival

Full Moon Party in Ko Pha Ngan ©

Ultra Music Festival Miami in the USA

One of the biggest electronic music festivals, not only in the US around the world, was founded in 1999 and is named after the Depeche Mode Ultra album. The renowned event is held annually in March in downtown Miami, Bayfront Park, and draws more than 165,000 people. Over the years, Ultra Music Festival headliners have included DJ Snake, Above & Beyond, David Guetta, Armin van Buuren, Flume, Gesaffelstein, and more. The amazing sound and dizzying atmosphere of the live shows will leave no fan of good music indifferent.

Huge stage at an electronic music concert

Ultra Music Festival Miami ©

Stage at the festival

Ultra Music Festival Miami ©

Songkran in Thailand

Thai New Year or Songkran is often called the festival of water. This is due to the fact that during the celebration, it is customary to pour water on each other from head to toe. The Thais believe that this ritual allows you to purify yourself from sins. You can catch ferocious water fights with powerful water guns and hoses on the streets of Thailand every year in mid-April. In addition, Songkran celebrations are not without traditional processions. People in national costumes carry statues of Buddha decorated with flowers through the streets, occasionally pouring water over them. All this is accompanied by dancing and mutual congratulations. By the way, there is an electronic music festival in Bangkok in honor of Songkran.

One of the most popular waterfighting spots during Songkran

The famous Songkran festival in Silom © artapartment / Shutterstock

Cannes Film Festival

Everyone must have heard about this world-famous event at least once. The Cannes Film Festival is rightly considered one of the greatest festivals in the world of cinema and the most important social event in the lives of many stars. Every May, hundreds of talented directors, actors, and producers gather at Cannes to present their work, take part in screenings and competitions, and win the coveted Palme d’Or award. The festival’s main goal is to promote the development of the film industry and open up new opportunities for different generations of filmmakers.

Cannes sign on the mountain

City sign on top of a mountain in Cannes © Iurii Dzivinskyi / Shutterstock

Bella Hadid at the Cannes Film Festival

Bella Hadid at the film premiere gala © Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock

Mardi Gras in New Orleans

The name of this festival translates as Fat Tuesday. It marks the end of the «fat week» before the beginning of Lent. The festival came to New Orleans, Louisiana, in the XVIII century, thanks to the French. As part of the event, the city hosts large-scale feasts with various contests, performances, and entertainment. Another important part of the festival is the spectacular parade, during which the streets are filled with crowds of people in colorful costumes. Although Mardi Gras is celebrated in many cities worldwide, a special feature of the New Orleans festivities is the tradition of listening to jazz. During the festival, this music can be heard on literally every corner.

Mardi Gras runs through the streets of New Orleans

Mardi Gras or Carnival Tuesday © Sittichai Sukreep / Shutterstock

Biggest Mardi Gras Celebrates in New Orleans

2018 Mardi Gras Parade in New Orleans © Sittichai Sukreep / Shutterstock

Tulum Zamna festival in Mexico

Mexico’s most partying city of Tulum invites visitors every year to attend a unique electronic music festival held in an unusually beautiful natural location. The best performers, excellent acoustics, and dense jungle around create an unforgettable atmosphere, which distinguishes the festival from other music events. The guests of the event can expect hard-hitting sets from popular DJs, bright light installations, and paradisiacal scenery. Zamna has all the chances to become one of the most extraordinary and impressive parties in your life.

Festival of Progressive Music

Tulum Zamna festival in Mexico ©

DJ at the console on stage

Tulum Zamna festival ©

DJ at the console in the club

Tulum Zamna festival ©

Coachella in California

Coachella closes the list of the top festivals in the world. It is the largest music event, which probably every music lover has heard of. It gets its name from the valley of the same name in the city of Indio (USA, California). All events unfold there in April. Both well-known and little-known performers of various genres — from indie-rock to electronics — take part in the event. The main surprise for visitors is two secret guests whose names are kept secret until the start of the performances. In different years, Coachella headliners have included Red Hot Chili Peppers, AC/DC, Coldplay, Jay-Z, Eminem, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and others. The festival’s atmosphere deserves special praise. The organizers pay a lot of attention to large-scale installations, and the visitors themselves wear bright outfits in a grunge or boho style.

Music Festival in the city of Indio

Coachella ©

Inflatable sculptures at a music festival

Coachella ©

Day Zero Festival

The Day Zero festival, which takes place in Tulum, Mexico, is a dizzying mix of ancient traditions and modern electronic music in January. It brings together real party people from all over the world in one place. Typically, this place is the Dos Palmas cenote in Dos Ojos Park. From dusk till dawn, guests of the event enjoy great DJ sets and a totally unique atmosphere created by the surrounding jungle and light installations. The festival is like a mystical act, which temporarily disconnects you from reality and transports you to another era.

Feyras during disco

Day Zero Festival ©

Purple festival lighting

Day Zero Festival ©

DJ at the console

Day Zero Festival ©

Have you ever wondered about the strangest holidays? What are some weird holidays? Let’s take a close look!

1. National Spaghetti Day


We are starting to talk about strange and weird holidays in the world with one of the most delicious holidays! Every year, January 4th is celebrated as National Spaghetti Day. Pasta orders are increasing every year as pasta is now preferred as the main meal with its rich ingredients, and restaurants offer this taste with a variety of world cuisines. I think I can say with confidence that this is the proudest day of Italians!

2. National Hugging Day


What about the strange national holidays? I don’t think there can be another day like this that warms our hearts more! World hug day is an annual event dedicated to hugging and cuddling. National Hugging Day was allegedly celebrated for the first time on January 21, 1986, in Clio, Michigan, USA. The idea aims to encourage everyone to hug their family and friends more often. National Hugging Day is celebrated every year on January 21st.

3. World Nutella Day


We think everybody knows the legendary taste of Nutella! With this delicious taste, it is not surprising that it is the most preferred chocolate by children and families. There is, of course, a celebration day for this taste, which everyone speaks and eats with love. February 5 — World Nutella Day! People celebrate this day by sharing Nutella photos, recipes, and messages on social media.

4. World Compliment Day


On March 1st, everyone has to make compliments to each other! When we look at the essence, it is a very cute day. This can be to win the hearts of our loved ones, to make them happy, or just because we feel that way at that moment. A couple of sweet words is more than enough to make everyone happy. This is more of a cute holiday rather than one of the strangest holidays.

5. Super Mario Day

super mario

The unforgettable Nintendo character of the 1980s has millions of fans around the world. If you grew up in the 1980s or 1990s, I’m sure you know who Mario and his brother Luigi are. Mario and his brother are the most famous brothers in Nintendo and even world game history!

If you’re wondering why March 10 is Mario Day, today is not the day Mario was released for the first time. If we put the first three letters of March (March) «Mar» and 10 side by side, «MAR10» emerges, which can be read as Mario. There is only one super way to celebrate Mario Day, and that is to spend it by playing Mario!

6. World Party Day


The origins of World Party Day, which was first celebrated on April 3, 1996, are unknown. It is thought to have been uncovered by the community looking for a reason to party. Party Day continues to be celebrated by the whole world on April 3 every year to create a better world and desired future. The main goal of this day is to develop excuses to be happy and forget the pain of the world.

7. National Zipper Day


I can imagine the shock on your faces when you read this. I am sure if anyone talks about strange national holidays, this will come to your mind after reading this blog. In 1913, the day when Swedish-American engineer Gideon Sundback received a patent for today’s zipper, April 29 is commemorated as Zipper Day.

Although it is a very simple thing, a zipper makes our life so much easier. You can celebrate the day by thinking about similar objects, which are simple but make our lives a lot easier. A smile on your face every time you open and close your zipper is enough for your celebration.

8. Star Wars Day


It is the day that Star Wars fans unofficially announced a holiday to commemorate the Star Wars culture and movie. May 4 is considered Star Wars day (also known as Luke Skywalker Day) due to the pun on the pronouncing of the phenomenal «May the force be with you» line (May the fourth be with you). The date of May 4, when celebrations are held all over the world every year, is silent this year due to the coronavirus outbreak.

9. No Dirty Dishes Day

colorful dishes

We can call it a kind of world dishwashing day. You can celebrate this day by washing the dishes or not using the dishes. I wish that a huge mountain of dishes will not wait for you on May 18!

10. National Hug Your Cat Day


It is the perfect day to give some warmth to your furry friends who always carry unconditional love with you. Hug Your Cat Day is celebrated with joy every June 4th. Cat owners are encouraged to hug their cats on this day. Even if you don’t have a cat, you can celebrate this day as a «Hug Someone Else’s Cat Day«.

11. Panic Day


The name itself tells you that we are going to talk about strange holidays. You can use anything under the sun as an excuse to panic. Because June 18 is celebrated as Panic Day every year. The purpose of Panic Day is to reduce and manage people’s stress, and it encourages us to find ways to do it. Take all your worries out and relax. It is a good coincidence that today is also Picnic Day. I guess there is no better way to relieve and relieve stress than having a picnic.

12. Hammock Day


Mid-July, sun, resting in a hammock… Nothing is relaxing like resting and relaxing in a hammock. July 22 is celebrated as Hammock Day every year. You can’t find a better way to celebrate this day, either! Find two sturdy, conveniently located trees or fulcrums, prepare yourself a comfortable hammock, and the rest is easy. Relax!

13. World Mosquito Day


20 August 1897 is the date that Sir Ronald Ross (1857-1932) showed that mosquitoes transmitted malaria from person to person. This date is celebrated all over the world as World Mosquito Day. The goal of the day is to live in a healthy and mosquito-free world. This is one of the strange holidays in the world to celebrate!

14. International Talk Like A Pirate Day


If someone asks you, «Do you know anything about strange and weird holidays?» you should mention this one first, it will shock them for sure! However, why not forget about all worldly concerns and become a cunning pirate for one day? This holiday originated in the USA and became the International Pirate Day, which is celebrated on September 19 in many European countries. Would you like to feel like the heroes of Treasure Island? In this case, get ready for reincarnation!

15. Global Handwashing Day


It is known that Global Handwashing Day, which is accepted to make handwashing a habit in terms of health, has been celebrated since 15 October 2008. How meaningful is it to celebrate this day this year, where our most important task is to wash our hands while combating COVID-19, isn’t it? 

16. Count Your Buttons Day


Button counting? This is not only one of the strange holidays in the world, but also so much fun! It is unclear what the unknown creators of this unofficial holiday intended to do. But Count Your Buttons Day is the annual fun feast celebrated on October 21st each year.

How can it be celebrated? Start a button collection. There are many different types of buttons, and some vintage buttons are priceless. Count all the buttons on your sewing kit. Why not celebrate the day by making sweet treats that look like buttons? Just imagine how difficult our lives would be if the button had not been invented!

17. National Forget-Me-Not Day


We all have people in our lives that we care about but are bad to be in contact with. Forget-Me-Not Day is an unofficial holiday that encourages people to try and reconnect over and over with people they can’t get in touch with. Forget-Me-Not Day is celebrated every year on November 10th, and it is good to know that its origins are closely connected with the soldiers who died for their country.

We all know about Christmas, New Year, and even Ugly Sweater Day. What about the strange holidays in December?

18. National Eat a Red Apple Day


December 1st is celebrated annually as an Eat a Red Apple Day. The meaning of the day is to celebrate one of the healthiest fruits nature has to offer. You can celebrate this day by making an apple pie, drinking lots of apple juice, or making apple cider vinegar at home, as you can grab an apple and eat it.

19. Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day


Has anyone asked, «What are some weird holidays?» New Year’s Eve is not soon, but you already want to have fun? Then celebrate this strange but funny holiday. What to do on December 8th? Put on some armour and ask passers-by on the street: «What year is it?» Don’t forget to watch everyone’s favourite «Back to the Future» movie!

20. A’phabet Day or No «L» Day


Every year, December 25 is celebrated as A’phabet Day or No «L» Day. This day is designed to skip the «L» in all your correspondence and speech. The origins and purpose of this day are unknown. Avoid using «L» in everything you write and say today. Prohibit the use of any object that begins with the letter «L» in your home and workplace. This is really one of the strange holidays in December!

A holiday is a specific trip for the purpose of recreation or tourism. It is considered to be a day designated as having special significance for which individuals, a government, or a religious group have deemed that observance is warranted. It is generally an official (more common) or unofficial observance of religious, national, or cultural significance, often accompanied by celebrations or festivities.

Through the whole world and all the religions out there, there is at least one holiday that is very and widely celebrated. Some are religious, some are secular… The holiday everyone celebrates (but maybe not at the same time) is The New Year’s Eve, of course. Depending on the time zone, it comes to each country within a day, except for China, where it depends on the moon and comes in February. Other two, also big holidays are Christmas in the Christian world and Eid (Eid ul Fitar and Eid ul Adha) in the Muslim religion.

What Are Some of the Most Celebrated Holidays in the World?

There are many holidays throughout the world that are celebrated with great pomp and circumstance. Some of the most celebrated holidays include Christmas, New Year’s, Hanukkah, Easter, and Fourth of July. Each of these holidays has a different tradition and is celebrated in a different way. However, they all have one thing in common – people from all around celebrate them with family and friends.

There are much more holidays around the world, so let’s take a close look at top 10 most celebrated annual holidays out of them.

10 Most Celebrated Holidays You’ve Never Heard Of:

10. Spring Bank UK

10 Most Celebrated Annual Holidays

Spring Bank Holiday in United Kingdom, also known as the late May bank holiday, is a time for people in the United Kingdom to have a day off work or school. It falls on the last Monday of May but it used to be on the Monday after Pentecost. For many people the spring bank holiday is a pleasant day off work or school. Some people choose to take a short trip or vacation. Others use the time to walk in the country, catch up with family and friends, visit garden centers or do home maintenance. However, in some parts of the United Kingdom, there are some customs associated with this day.

9. Basant


Vasanta or Basant is one of the six ritus (seasons) corresponding to spring. In Punjab India Vasant is celebrated as most auspicious festival than any other. People from all over India gathered here to feel the purity of this spring season. Vasant Panchami has its own joy and pleasure. Every year Kite Festival is celebrated in many states of India. This is cultural festival and commonly celebrated in India and Pakistan on same days.

8. Easter

Easter festival

Easter is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described in the New Testament. It is the culmination of the Passion of Christ, preceded by Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance. The last week of Lent is called Holy Week, and it contains the days of the Easter Triduum, including Maundy Thursday, commemorating Maundy and the Last Supper, as well as Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Easter is followed by a fifty-day period called Eastertide or the Easter Season, ending with Pentecost Sunday.

7. Chinese New Year

chinese new year celebrations

Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival, the literal translation of the modern Chinese name. Chinese New Year celebrations traditionally ran from Chinese New Year’s Day itself, the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, making the festival the longest in the Chinese calendar. Because the Chinese calendar is lunisolar. The Chinese New Year is often referred to as the “Lunar New Year”.

6. Diwali


Deepavali (Diwali) known as the “festival of lights,” is primarily a five day Hindu festival which starts on Dhanteras, celebrated on thirteenth lunar day of Krishna paksha of the Hindu calendar month Ashwin and ends on Bhaubeej, celebrated on second lunar day of Shukla paksha of the Hindu calendar month Kartik. In the Gregorian calendar, Diwali falls between mid-October and mid-November. Diwali is an official holiday in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Mauritius, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname, Malaysia, Singapore and Fiji. For Hindus, Diwali is one of the most important festivals of the year and is celebrated in families by performing traditional activities together in their homes.

5. Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day

This is a holiday everyone knows and celebrates, but not many know its origins. We’ve some informative articles on Valentine’s Day. What are most amazing facts about Valentine’s Day? and what are best ways to celebrate this romance full day? Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it remains a working day in most of them. It is one of the most celebrated holiday around the world second to New Year’s Day. Also Valentine’s Day is the second most popular card-giving holiday (only Christmas is more popular).

4. Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha (the Greater Eid, Bakrid), is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to honor the willingness of the prophet ʾIbrāhīm (Abraham) to sacrifice his young first-born son Ismā’īl (Ishmael) as an act of submission to God’s command and his son’s acceptance to being sacrificed, before God intervened to provide Abraham with a Lamb to sacrifice instead. In the lunar Islamic calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah and lasts for four days. In the international Gregorian calendar, the dates vary from year to year, drifting approximately 11 days earlier each year.

3. Eid al-Fitr

10 Most Celebrated Annual Holidays

Eid al-Fitr is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm). The religious Eid is a single day and Muslims are not permitted to fast that day. The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal. This is a day where Muslims around the world try to show a common goal of unity. It’s third most celebrated holiday around the world.

2. Christmas

Christmas 10 Most Celebrated Annual Holidays

This is an annual and widely observed holiday, celebrated generally on December 25 by millions of people around the world. It is the day when Jesus was born, so it is celebrated as a very happy holiday. Because according to Christianism, Jesus came to save people’s souls from hell and help them repent and gain the redemption of the soul. Christmas is a civil holiday in many of the world’s nations. Also it is celebrated by an increasing number of non-Christians and is an integral part of the Christmas and holiday season.

1. New Year

10 Most Celebrated Annual Holidays

New Year is definitely the oldest celebrated holiday, though it wasn’t always beginning on the 1st of January. The celebration of the New Year began with people from Babylon, 4000 years ago! They celebrated it during the New Moon. However, with most countries now using the Gregorian calendar as their main calendar, New Year’s Day is the closest thing to being the world’s only truly global public holiday, often celebrated with fireworks at the stroke of midnight as the new year starts.

Which Holidays are the Biggest Causes for Celebration?

Christmas and New Year’s are two of the most celebrated holidays in the world. Other popular holidays include Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Fourth of July. Interestingly, each of these holidays has a different origin story. Christmas is based on the biblical story of Jesus being born to a virgin and his disciples celebrating his birth while New Year’s is based on the ancient Norse tradition of honoring the new year. Valentine’s Day celebrates love between two people, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and Fourth of July celebrates America’s independence from Britain.

Most Celebrated Holidays in US: Santa Claus, Easter, and Thanksgiving

The most celebrated holidays in the United States are Santa Claus, Easter, and Thanksgiving. These holidays are enjoyed by many people of all ages and backgrounds. For many, these holidays represent a time of joy and celebration. Santa Claus is celebrated on December 25th, Easter is celebrated on April 16th, and Thanksgiving is celebrated on November 27th.

The Most Patriotic holidays: 4th of July and Memorial Day

There are many patriotic holidays celebrated throughout the year. However, two of the most celebrated holidays in America are the 4th of July and Memorial Day. These holidays commemorate important events in American history, and they are enjoyed by people of all ages. The 4th of July is known as Independence Day, and it celebrates the day on which the United States became a free and independent nation. Memorial Day is commemorated every year on May 25th to honor those who have died in service to their country. These two holidays are among the most celebrated in America, and they are enjoyed by people from all walks of life.

The Most Wacky Holiday Parties: 4th of July Picnic, Hanuk

When it comes to celebrations, the Fourth of July is definitely no slouch. Americans have been celebrating this patriotic holiday for well over 200 years now, and it’s still one of the most celebrated holidays in the country. From barbecues to picnics, there are plenty of ways to celebrate this national holiday. Here are five of the wackiest Fourth of July parties we’ve come across.

1) The 4th of July picnic that takes place in a replica of The Oval Office. This event features a live band playing patriotic music, as well as President Barack Obama himself making an appearance! Guests can sit in on presidential interviews or just enjoy some delicious BBQ food while taking in a view straight out of history.

2) The Hanukkah Picnic at Rockefeller Center is always a hit.

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