Fill your life with adventures not things сочинение

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Good morning friends,

How are you today? Happy hump day by the way. 😉 Wanted to stop in real quick in the midst of my travel.

Came across this quote and you know, it really resonates with me. “Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell not stories to show.”

I remember growing up thinking it would be “cool” to have a big house, expensive things, etc. I quickly realized that having money or expensive things does not equate to happiness – positive relationships, connections, life experiences and a sense of self-worth yields a higher rate of fulfillment and joy.

What kind of stories do you have to tell? What legacy do you want to leave behind when your physical body has left this earth? There is so much to explore so while you are blessed with being alive on this earth, explore it. The stories you will tell after the fact may live on for decades to come.

Hope this short excerpt brightened your day a little. Have a great day! XOXO. ❤️


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I don’t remember who the author of this quote is, but it rings true deep into my soul. We live in America, in an era of privilege. So many times, people find their «worth» in things and then wonder why they still feel empty. There is an unknown void, that lingers with questions of self worth. Y’all, fill that void with people, God and adventures!! Make memories to last a lifetime, take pictures so you can re-live the past all-the-while enjoying the present. I believe that living a dream is a form of living your passion. In order to do this, it is essential to figure out your priorities, which may sound easy, but let me tell you…. its a combination of managing your time, finances, ability, and obligations. OH and a little thing called sleep too. Now, living your passion is not a single life event, it is a process. So let me give you some background. For starters, I took the conventional route towards the American dream. I went to college, got a degree… and then got another degree. [Sidenote: Just for the record, I got my first degree in general studies so that I could finish my soccer career and actually enjoy it. Then I went back for my nursing degree.] Following college, I pursued

employment in a critical care unit and have practiced in adult and pediatrics fields. Am I living my dream life at the moment? No. I am in way too small of a place to live out my career passions. I dream of working in a level one trauma center, and possibly transferring into a focused ICU field. But guess what, it’s a process and I am paving the path to get to the place of my dreams. In the meantime, I am going to live my dream outside of work. I have had experiences of falling in love with the outdoors — with its peace and serenity. The simplicity of hearing nature in its prime, the birds chirping over the morning wind that rustles the leaves. The sun that dances through the shadows created by the frail branches swaying in the wind’s movements. The vibrance of color that only nature can provide through my own very eyes, not on the page of a magazine or flashing across a television screen. I want to breath in the cold autumn air and exhale a visual «breath cloud»

in the heart of winter. I want to feel the frost on my eyelashes and hear the scurry of little creatures feet along crunching leaves. I long for the outdoors and to experience the five senses along with it. And praise the Lord, he gave me a daughter who also enjoys the adventures that the outdoors withholds. Hiking is one of our all time favorite things. I grew up in Alaska, trudging up mountains and sledding halfway back down post hike. I’m currently in Arkansas and continue to hike what is known as mountains in this area (tee hee), but I long for the visualization and backdrop of real mountains along the skyline that shout out my name to come and explore a new environment.

So, how do you go about living your dream? 
Here’s some pointers. 

Forgot those preconceived expectations! It’s not about the «what-ifs.» It’s about your reality.

Find out what YOUR passion is. Not those around you. What is the desire of YOUR heart. What do you enjoy doing with YOUR free time. And once you answer that question, focus on pursuing it.

Make a priority list. Trust me, you make time for your priorities.

And throughout it all, remember that TRANSFORMATION happens on the other side of SURRENDER. So, surrender you biggest fears, your biggest desires, your biggest dreams to the only one who can provide — give it to God.

… In the meantime, if you are like me, still pursuing the ability to achieve your dream life, go about life with this mentality. Pour into your strengths, speak up with your truth, let go of self judgment and own exactly who you are. When you are writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen (unless its God — he’s quite a handyman).

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Jennifer Phelps: Reinvent your Space - Reinvent your SELF

LITTLE LOVE BOMB: Ummmm… yeah. Does this sound familiar, my Friend? .»I’m totally stressed out with TONS on my plate but why would I pay/ask someone else to do this/that/the other when I can do it myself, even if it will take me weeks to get to it and five times longer than an expert?».I know. It sounds ridiculous when someone else says it, right?!.Seriously, there’s PLENTY of stuff I have no business doing myself. What about you? What’s your time and mental space worth? What’s one teeny tiny task or big hairy job at home or work that you could give to someone else today?.Here’s to not waxing and stuff, xoxo Jennifer

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Jennifer Phelps: Reinvent your Space - Reinvent your SELF

JUST A LITTLE LOVE BOMB: OMG, step away from the drudgery and that damn scale!.It’s time to find happiness and purpose outside of the grind — or remind yourself if you’ve forgotten (that’s me). Wanna do it together? You totally said, «Yes,» right?.Here’s to mastering the fine art of fiddle farting, my darling! Love, Jennifer.#JenniferPhelps #BecauseLifeIsMessy #MindTrash #ProfessionalOrganizer #PublicSpeaker #DeClutterDeStress #HealYourSpace #OwnYourOfficeLikeaBoss #JenniferPhelpsOrganizer #OnlineOrganizingCourses

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Jennifer Phelps: Reinvent your Space - Reinvent your SELF

JUST A LITTLE LOVE BOMB: I KNOW that I’m one lucky duck! .»Luck?» you ask. «Jen, that’s total pish posh. It’s about hard work, preparation, and maybe a little coincidence.» .Could be. But here’s what I know to be true, my friend. No matter what bull hockey is happening in my life, there are Big and Small, Good and Beautiful things happening to me and around me all. the. time. .When I keep my eyes peeled and my heart open for these blessings, these moments of lucky magic, I see them everywhere and am joyfully, giddily, grateful for them. When I’m showered with all these Love Notes from the universe, how can I not be the luckiest — and most grateful — girl in the world?.Whether you make your luck, find your luck, or fall into it, take a moment to thank your lucky stars! Jennifer.#JenniferPhelps #BecauseLifeIsMessy #MindTrash #ProfessionalOrganizer #PublicSpeaker #DeClutterDeStress #HealYourSpace #OwnYourOfficeLikeaBoss #JenniferPhelpsOrganizer #OnlineOrganizingCourses

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Tagged: experiences, quote, show, stories, things, travel, wanderlust

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