1 page, 415 words
Some people think young people should go to university to further their education while others think they should be encouraged to work as car mechanics or builders etc. to serve society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
People have different views about university education. Some believe that it is very beneficial for the nation if majority of the youngsters go for higher education. However, others opine that they should go in for some vocational training to start earning soon. This essay shall discuss both views before reaching a conclusion.
The option to start work straight after school seems attractive to some for several reasons. Many young people want to start earning money as soon as possible. In this way, they can become independent, and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family. In terms of their career, young people who decide to find work, rather than continue their studies, may progress more quickly. They will have the chance to gain real experience and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession. This may lead to promotions and a successful career.
On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial for students to continue their studies. Firstly, academic qualifications are required in many professions. For example, it is impossible to become a doctor, teacher or lawyer without having the relevant degree. Another advantage of graduating from a university is that it gives you more choices when it comes to choosing a job. Most employers will be more impressed by a candidate who has a degree than they would be by one who only has high school qualifications because it shows a certain level of intelligence and education, as well as the commitment and self-discipline that is needed in order to study a degree course for three or four years. University graduates also tend to earn higher salaries than those with fewer qualifications.
1 page, 488 words
The Essay on A University Education Is Not Essential for Success’
In a general point of view, university education is necessary for success and that is why parents nowadays would ask their children to finish their Bachelor degree as a minimum request. They think that university education is an essential element for success. However, I do not think that that is true at all. University education is only one of the keys for success but not the only key to achieve …
Furthermore, the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, and sometimes there are hundreds of applicants for one position in a company. Young people who do not have qualifications from a university or college will not be able to compete. What is more those who work in the construction work or as car mechanics will always have to work under those who have civil and mechanical engineering degrees.
For the reasons mentioned above, it seems to me that students are more likely to be successful in their careers if they continue their studies beyond school level.
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Some people think young people should go to university to further their education while others think they should be encouraged to work as car mechanics or builders etc. to serve society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
People have different views about university education. Some believe that it is very beneficial for the nation if majority of the youngsters go for higher education. However, others opine that they should go in for some vocational training to start earning soon.
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“ Should Everyone Go to University ”
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This essay shall discuss both views before reaching a conclusion.
The option to start work straight after school seems attractive to some for several reasons. Many young people want to start earning money as soon as possible. In this way, they can become independent, and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family. In terms of their career, young people who decide to find work, rather than continue their studies, may progress more quickly. They will have the chance to gain real experience and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession.
This may lead to promotions and a successful career.
On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial for students to continue their studies. Firstly, academic qualifications are required in many professions. For example, it is impossible to become a doctor, teacher or lawyer without having the relevant degree. Another advantage of graduating from a university is that it gives you more choices when it comes to choosing a job. Most employers will be more impressed by a candidate who has a degree than they would be by one who only has high school qualifications because it shows a certain level of intelligence and education, as well as the commitment and self-discipline that is needed in order to study a degree course for three or four years.
University graduates also tend to earn higher salaries than those with fewer qualifications.
Furthermore, the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, and sometimes there are hundreds of applicants for one position in a company. Young people who do not have qualifications from a university or college will not be able to compete. What is more those who work in the construction work or as car mechanics will always have to work under those who have civil and mechanical engineering degrees.
For the reasons mentioned above, it seems to me that students are more likely to be successful in their careers if they continue their studies beyond school level.
Should everyone have a university education?
University education is a part of our good life. At university students spend the most important years of theirs lives. Here they gain education, knowledge, but they must be honest and hard working. In my opinion higher education should have everyone, because intelligent people are more wanted in our society.
In the first place, educated peoples have great future and better job, their life quality is higher, than of people without university education. It is the main reason why we should study in a university.
On the another hand, some persons think that life should not be just learning. We have to live a free and independent life, we shouldn’t think about the future all the time. Sometimes people forget that education isn’t an important part of existence.
Nevertheless, education is very expensive. Officially education is free, but reality shows different things. At universities there are students who pay big money for studies. And this is the main problem in enlightenment. So, not everyone can have a chance to study.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that everyone should decide which way of life is more or less important. All in all, I think that having good brain and university education will change our lives for better and make us developed in this universe.
Nowadays after school education is a matter of debates. Some people claim that every student should be educated at university, while others argue that it is not important. In this essay I am going to discuss this issue and state my opinion.
In my view, university education is essential for young people. To begin with, higher education obviously helps to make the future career and the better life with all benefits. What is more, universities are used to socialise students who meet different people, such as professionals in diverse subjects and foreigners, there.
However, some people believe that one’s life can be good enough without higher education. The opponents’ main argument in favour is that a person can attend special courses, which are not that long as 4 to 6 years of studying at university, and after finishing them a person will immediately find a job.
Personally, I cannot agree with the opponents. It seems to me that one might want to get higher education and find a well-paid job after a the period of working on their first profession.
In conclusion, I would like to say that young people usually are not sure what they want to do in the future. Therefore, it is better to enter the university first and meet a great deal of people who will help the student to choose the future profession.
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University education has for a long time been credited with the ability of transforming nation, owing to its impact of imparting knowledge on the people. In the modern world, the enrollment of people to university has risen drastically, with the rising calls for everyone attaining university education. But should every one go to university? Should everyone hold a bachelors degree? No. ideally, university education is intended to impart knowledge in people, with each and every individual taking a university course which matches his / her desires. Therefore, university education provides a competent workforce, which is more often than not linked to the highly skilled manpower. However, the market needs all the three levels of manpower; that is highly skilled, semi- skilled and unskilled labour. This is among one of the arguments which will be discussed in this essay which indicates why everyone should not go to university.
There are several reasons as to why not everyone should go to university. First of all, there are various kinds and skills required in the market, hence the need to develop all of them. The university is an academic institution, hence the reason as to why it is often referred to as an institution of higher learning. As indicated in the introduction, the university provides technical knowhow about going around something (Breen 1). In addition to this, there is a need for the execution of the knowledge which has been learned in University by another level of skilled manpower. As an example, a manufacturing engineer in a company (who graduates from university) designs the manufacturing systems, the products which are to be manufactured and manages the industry. He / she need a technician who graduates from a polytechnic to execute the designs and operate machines. Lastly, the company needs unskilled labour to package the products and also to move things around the factory floor. For this reason, it can be seen that it is not possible for the university to provide all the skills required in the market on itself, non – university institutions and graduates are required so as to ensure that the labour force in the market is sufficient. The lack of skills is a major problem facing many countries in the world, a reason as to why many of them are losing their competitiveness. As seen above, universities cannot be able to provide all the skills needed in the labour market; therefore, not everyone should go to the university.
Another reason as to why not everyone should go to the university is because of the diversity in the interests and abilities of the people. Not everyone is endowed with the brains to make it to university and study the esteemed courses there. Not everyone is interested in university education in addition to education itself. Everyone has his or her own abilities and talents; hence he/ she is supposed to go to institutions which develop the talents (Breen 1). For instance, it would be meaningless for a talented footballer to spend a lot of time in university instead of developing his skills to make it to the top leagues in the world; which are more paying than the highly regarded careers of the world. In addition to this, people have different interests, for instance some people are entrepreneurs by nature, hence are more inclined to venturing into business as supposed to taking university education. University education may come later on when the individual deems it important to have it.
In addition to the above, university education requires a good academic ability. Ideally not everyone can make it to the university because of his/ her academic qualifications. This trait is not common to all people, hence the reason as to why various institutions of learning have been established so as to take account of the varying academic abilities of the people. By the basic fact of this argument, it is seen that not everyone can make it to university. Instead of this, people tend to follow their interests and talents as indicated earlier. Moreover, the university provides an academic certification and not a professional certification which is highly regarded in the market (Hensher 1). This explains the reason as to why many companies ask for professional qualifications in addition to academic qualifications, for instance a graduate in commerce may need to have an ACCA to make him/ her more marketable. Moreover, some organization which seek for specialized skills opt for professional qualifications which are normally offered outside universities. This means that not everyone can make it to the university.
Contrary to the argument that not everyone should go to the university which has been discussed above, there is a dire need to ensure that as much people as possible have university qualifications. The labour market is slowly changing, with more and more automation coming in and the need to integrate high levels of knowledge and expertise in operations; it has become of utmost importance that organizations source for the most qualified personnel in the labour market (Weber 1). Specialized skills are being demanded for in the market more than before. The job opportunities are getting lesser and lesser each day, hence leading to a competition for the few available opportunities. Moreover, education has been identified as one of the tools which lead to personal and social empowerment and development. In fact, the most developed countries in the world have the largest number of university graduates. Because of the issues outlined above, it is recommended that everyone should go to the university so as to use education as a tool of transforming the society.
Because of the issues discussed above, universities are becoming more diversified introducing more courses so as to capture as much human interest as possible for instance entrepreneurship, performing arts (drama and music) and sports sciences. In addition to these universities are offering educations under different levels; for instance certificate, diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate courses which make its possible for individuals with varying academic abilities to attain university education. For this reason, ideally everyone should go to the university.
In conclusion, this essay has given the reasons as to why not everyone should go to the university. The essay has discussed about the varying academic abilities of individuals which make it not possible for everyone to search for university education. The essay has also discussed about the need for all the levels of skills in the market which cannot be provided for by universities. The essay also discusses about the different interests and talents which people possess, hence leading them to going to institutions and places which develop them as opposed to attending university. At the end of the essay a contrary argument indicating the reason as to why everyone should go to the university. Generally, the essay is successful in indication the reason as to why everyone should not go to the university.
Should everyone
have a university education?
Truly speaking,
I think that it is absolutely unnecessary to have a university education for
everyone. Of course, people should be educated, but it is my considered opinion
that the availably of University diploma can’t guarantee a good education and better
job. A lot of students go into higher education just because it is modern or
their parents want them to do it. Usually parents talk their children that a
university education is the most crucial thing. Also I`d like to add that a university
education is very expensive nowadays, and it is difficult afford it for
everyone. On the other hand, there are a great number of technical and
vocational colleges that provide an opportunity for students to have a profession.
So in conclusion I`d like to say that first of all it is necessary to clear
understand the interests and abilities of the students, and get education that
can really help them and prepare for life.
Should everyone have a university education? Truly speaking, I think that it is absolutely unnecessary to have a university education for everyone. Of course, people should be educated, but it is my considered opinion that the availably of University diploma can’t guarantee a good education and better job. A lot of students go into higher education just because it is modern or their parents want them to do it. Usually parents talk their children that a university education is the most crucial thing. Also I`d like to add that a university education is very expensive nowadays, and it is difficult afford it for everyone. On the other hand, there are a great number of technical and vocational colleges that provide an opportunity for students to have a profession. So in conclusion I`d like to say that first of all it is necessary to clear understand the interests and abilities of the students, and get education that can really help them and prepare for life.